Part 1 back at the beginning

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Luffy fell to his knees as he saw his dead crewmates

half beaten to death...

the other half melted...

tears fell from his wide eyes as he heard the two people who caused the death speak

black beard: "what do you think, wannabe pirate king?"

akainu: "we decided since we failed to take you down separately we would work together" (pretend he didn't die -_-)

luffy turned to the two who were mere seconds from reaching him as he... fell?

the portal above him closed as he looked around the large cinema (not that he knew what a cinema was)

me: monkey d Luffy

he turned to me in shock

Luffy: "WHO ARE YOU!?"

me: "whoa whoa whoa chill out I'm here to help you, you can call me screen"

Luffy: "help me? how?"

me: "i can send you to the past with all your current powers... you'll be on your own after that but i will sometimes check up on you"

luffy started to cry with a smile on his face

me: "make sure to train both yourself and your crew while maybe adding some more members"

he nodded

me: "also"

I put a button in his pocket

luffy: "what's that?"

me: "push it if you really need me"

luffy nodded as I sent him back into his child body

luffy: "i should keep my childhood the same but train when I can... but there are two things I want to change..."

luffy kept his childhood the same meeting ace and sabo, eating the 'gum gum fruit' (he still thinks it's the gum gum fruit) and meeting shanks but he made sure to change two things

1: he saved sabo who would go off with ace and eventually would join whitebeard

2: he made sure shanks kept his arm

and eventually he made sure he ended up in a barrel on alvida's ship

A/N "what do y'all think? should i continue this?"

if luffy was sent back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now