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Azariah Collins.

"I Knew You Were Trouble" by TaylorSwift

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Today couldn't get any weirder. What is Travis Ford doing in my face? He approached me with his hand on his chest and a slight smirk on his lips. Seriously, what is in the water today?

My heart started pounding instantly, what could he possibly want? The last time we spoke, or even made eye contact was freshman year when he asked to use my pencil; that I still have to this day.

I only remember that specific moment because I might have had some type of..crush on him at one point. Although I do hate boys, not all of them were that bad. Ford was actually tolerable rather than his airhead friends and I found him adorable at one point in my life.

The crush was long gone now. I was no longer obsessing over boys who I knew would never even look my way. Compared to the previous girls he's dated, even a blind person could see that I wasn't his type. So I got over it and moved on like any girl should.

"Az-rih-uh right?" Ford's mellow voice caught me off guard. It was like in the movies when you close your locker and there just so happens to be someone waiting on the other side. So cliche.

"It's Uh-Zar-Rih-uh" I corrected him. I felt myself getting a little agitated, he doesn't even know my name, it's not that hard to pronounce. "What do you want?"

"That's cute imma call you Rih for short," he says while smiling, "I saw you playing in the gym. You pretty good, you play any other sports?"

I stared at him a bit confused and hesitant. Why was he trying to make subtle conversation with me now? He definitely can't be interested in me...there's no way.

"Um..." I paused. "Yeah I play soccer, and I play basketball too."

"You play ball?!" he says giving a nod of approval. "You'll have to show me your moves one day"

"Uh. Yeah. Sure." I reply awkwardly. I really didn't know what to say... my mind just kept going blank. My long time crush was actually in my face asking me what sports I've played. My stomach was starting to do that one thing again.

"What you doing after practice?" He asked as we both started down the hall side by side. I kept glancing around hoping that someone would pop out and say this is a prank. Never in a million years would I have expected Travis Ford to approach me, let alone hold a casual conversation.

Has my prayers finally been answered?

"Picking my sister up from her practice then going home." I glanced up at him and he was already staring at me which made me feel a little uncomfortable. He was such a beautiful sight, and it was like he's getting finer since the summer.

His parents did a great job with him, really and truly. He was the only guy in the school that I could understand why girls drool over. He gave girls that heart beat thing.

"We should grab food? You like Chinese?" He asked pulling the straps on his backpack.

What is going on?

" this some type of joke?" I asked looking around again. He was taken back by my words, but he seemed amused once a small smirk appeared on his pink lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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