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Los Angeles, California

After a whole summer of betting and daring one another, Ford was finally up next. It was evidently childish, but since their young ages they've always taken it seriously. Daring wasn't just any game to them. The game had rules, and the number one rule is following through, the second is no cheating.

If you don't complete the dare, then it is mandatory that you pay. Since all three boys came from money, they we're definitely coming out of pocket if one chooses to back out. If Ford was to fail or back out of his dare; then he is to pay Ares & Pierre whatever it is that they choose. Usually, the bigger the dare, the bigger the prize, and of course they loved to go all out.

The dares normally consist of fighting, Russian roulette, girls, sextapes, drugs etc. That's what made their summer, daring each other to take the craziest risk. Whenever Ford was up to Ares, he always worried because Ares can be quite outrageous when it comes to dares.

A guy like Ford, he never backs down. He has a reputation to keep up with, and he wasn't going to let Ares or Pierre outdo him, and he definitely didn't want to deal with what comes after not completing the task. Since Ares was to dare Ford, he gets to choose the consequence. And trust, it was never pretty.

Ares was also known for his crazy prices since his family has money to hand out like rice. He was the richest of the three so he tends to feel almighty at times. If Ford fails to complete the dare by a certain time, it is either his money that goes into Ares & Pierre's pocket, or he has to do something humiliating. They simply played the game because it was fun to them, money was never a problem, it was just boys being boys.

The three of them loved taking risk since they were children, battling one another even if one could end up in jail or even dead. They were courageous.

After a long juicy summer, Ares dare was finally over. Pierre the menace, had dared him to sleep with the star quarterback's mother, who is also the coach for the volleyball team, Mrs. Jackson. At Shepherd High School, the football and the basketball players never seemed to get along. It was always beef between those two sports. Ares completed the dare, which only would add fuel to fire if Daquan Jackson found out. Ares enemy of many years.

The two went way back to middle school. Daquan Jackson could never get over the fact that Ares stole his girl when they were kids, and not only that, he beat the shit out of him too.

Ford was nervous of course, but he was never backing down, especially from someone like cocky ass Ares. The only time one of them has ever backed out was freshman year when the games first started, and it was Pierre.

"You nervous nigga?" Pierre chuckled as he and Ford entered the cafeteria that was already starting to pile up. It was lunch time, and that's when they decided to start the dare. When a dare was in task, no one could say a word about it until it was over. If one of them were to speak about it, the dare would be prohibited, and depending on whoever ran their mouth, they would definitely have to pay.

"Nervous for what?" Ford asked with furrowed brows. "If you think I'm nervous about this stupid ass dare, I'm not."

"You never know with wicked Ares, that nigga always daring some crazy shit. Remember he dared me to fake a fucking robbery!?"

Ford burst out in loud laughter as the memory started flowing. It was freshman year when Ares did that, he dared Pierre to fake a robbery at the bodega but he wouldn't do it, he was too scared.

"Yeah, and your pussy ass backed out" he laughed while shaking his head as they both approached their empty table. Ares was no where in sight.

"Nah, I wasn't going for that, I wasn't finna risk getting shot by some Arab, or getting caught! Hell to the nah!" Pierre rushed as he sat down. He then chuckled, "I just know Ares finna eat yo ass up with this one."

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