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    Ford and his two best friends, Ares & Pierre have been tightly close since the ages of nine. They grew up in the same neighborhood and attended the same schools all their life. The three of them held a odd friendship that no one could ever seem to understand, but everyone loved them. Ford was the youngest of the group, but not even his baby face could stop him from getting any girl he wants. He was quite the charmer, and very charismatic, but as cute as he was, he was also your typical high school athlete.

Yeah, Ford had the looks and the popularity, but not even that could fool miss Azariah Collins. A smile like Ford's usually would send all the girls into a frenzy, even the teachers, but Azariah wasn't easily impressed. She would be lying if she said he was a jock, he didn't have that reputation like Ares and Pierre. Those two were known for sports rather than academics, they're also the ones you would try to avoid so they don't ruin your life.

A beautiful trio. They had the looks, the girls, the money, the style and approach. They were star athletes all throughout high school, and the 3 of them planned on going to the same college and eventually getting drafted into the NBA. Best of the team, and every girls dream. Two of them were obviously jocks, while the other had multiple interest.

Them together was already enough trouble, but of course like every popular male group, there was always one for the girls. This specific girl group screamed pretty, prissy, and witty. Not even the boys could get a hold on the girls, they were just too intimidating.

Azariah, Kinslee, and Reina. The three of them were always together, they walked the halls of Shepherd High known for their academics, and bougie ways. The boys adored them, but the only problem was they were too hard to get. The girls had goals, they vowed to never let boys get in the way of their dreams.

Although the three were always together, Azariah was more of the left out one. The one that nobody really cared for, and was somehow only known for being friends with Kinslee and Reina. That boiled her blood. Azariah was often overlooked for simply not fitting society's beauty standards. And in a prominent white school, being dark skinned wasn't cool, you had to be white or mixed with curly hair to even fit in.

Azariah dealt with so much since a child all the way up to her senior year in high school. She still managed to hold her own, and be her true outspoken self. She did the things that people wouldn't dare to do, and she said the the things that people were scared to say. She was strong and brave, and always tried to keep her head up even though the shit was eating her alive.

She stood on business, even to the racist teachers, her colorist peers, and the sexism she's been facing her whole life. As much as she wished her two friends could understand, she knew they never would. Kinslee and Reina both being light skinned women, Azariah was often teased for being the darker one and guys never really found her attractive. She was so use to boys coming up to her asking about them...she hated it. All she ever wanted was to be seen. As much as they defended her, Azariah still felt alone, and misunderstood.

No one ever dared to say anything rude to Azariah whenever Kinslee and Reina were around. They were like her protectors. It was always when she was by herself when people tried her the most.

It had only been a few weeks into school and Azariah was already being called names by the boys. She tried her best to ignore slick comments being thrown at her, the stares, the laughs, and the whispers, but at the end of the day it always hurts. She felt so smothered in such a huge place, and felt so alone even with the two girls she'd kill for. Although so much was building up on the inside, she learned to keep it all together and smile.

Girls like Reina and Kinslee fit society's beauty standards, they were the girls that everyone loved and adored. Azariah felt nothing like them, and looked nothing like them. The only reason they were so close is because they grew up together, but she knew for a fact that she didn't fit in with girls like them which made her insecure in the long run.

Azariah had deep insecurities that no one knew about except for her journal. She was broken and sad on the inside, fighting depression almost her whole life and trying to keep up the facade for the world. No matter how much shit she can take, there's always a breaking point.

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