Isogai x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

I smiled cheerfully on my way down the street, the sky bright and the sun shining.  It was such a beautiful day to be outside, a promise that today would be great.  Happiness filled me with each step closer I was to my destination and friend where my day would only get better. 
Isogai was probably my favorite person in the whole world and my very best friend since forever now.  He was sweet and caring, a cool guy to hang out with.  There weren't any flaws in his nature as far as I could tell and I've had years of time to try to find them.  I must've been pretty lucky to have him as someone to lean on.  And I've had to lean on him countless times. 
I've had asthma since I was a small child and at most times it didn't bother me.  But then there were moments when it would sneak up on me at the worst moments, leaving me heaving and desperate for air.  When that happened, I would fear for my life and panic that I'd suffocate so when Isogai had first witnessed one of my asthma attacks and acted swiftly to help me, I realized how much I could depend on him. 
Whether it was finding my inhaler or just sitting by me as I gained control of my breathing, he was there to take care of me.  He'd massage my back to calm me down afterwards and stay with me until I was back to normal again.  Each time I'd remind myself that I had the most considerate person by my side. 
There was no way I could repay him for all he's done but I was hoping to at least make his day better in some way.  A small bag of treats was tucked into my pocket, his favorites from what he's told me before.  Hopefully this would be a nice surprise to bring a smile to his face.
The sight of the restaurant came into view as I picked up my pace.  Isogai usually worked on the weekends to save up more money for him and his family.  The other kids at our school teased him for it but it was such a sweet thing for him to do for his sick mother.  It's been hard for them since his father passed away a couple years back and I could see how hard he worked to keep his family financially stable. 
I walked through the door of the restaurant, immediately spotting Isogai waiting at a table where a young couple sat ordering.  Staying quiet until he was done, I stood to the side politely to watch him work.  His smile was bright as he nodded at the customers whenever they spoke.  It was clear on each of the stranger's faces that they were struck by his kindness as well. 
When Isogai turned away to relay the orders to the kitchen, he spotted me and an even wider smile spread across his face.  I waved cheerily as he made his way over with excitement bright in his eyes.  I couldn't help my own anticipation reflecting his happiness when he stopped in front of me. 
"What are you doing here?  This is a nice little surprise," he smiled.  I shrugged nonchalantly before pulling out the bag of treats from my pocket to hand to him.  He took it reluctantly as if he couldn't believe I had gotten him a gift out of the blue. 
"Just wanted to put a smile on your face.  It's not a crime to treat my best friend right?" I asked teasingly.  He chuckled softly, looking into the bag before turning his wide eyed gaze back to me.  He looked blown away and utterly shocked.  I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. 
I instantly felt my mistake.  My laugh started out bright before I ended up heaving.  Panic sparked in me as I felt that familiar internal grip on my lungs.  It was like trying to breathe through a thin straw and pain blossomed in my chest quickly.  Coughing and wheezing, I reached out desperately for help. 
"Damn it!  Where's your inhaler?  Just point and I'll get it.  It's going to be okay," Isogai called out in worry.  I was vaguely aware of his hands patting down my pockets for the item that I had left at home.  Who the hell wanted to carry around an inhaler all the time anyways?  It sure would've been helpful now though. 
He must've realized I didn't have it on me as he started to panic with me as well.  He slowly lowered me to the ground as I started to wobble on my feet.  I could feel the burning stares of the restaurant's customers trained on me but no one moved.  My throat started to burn as my vision darkened.  I reached out for Isogai again to find him not there anymore.


Isogai POV

Crap crap crap.  I had to find a convenience store quickly.  There had to be one nearby but would they sell inhalers?  What was I supposed to do?  Y/n needed help and I left him behind to suffocate on his own.  If I could just find a store, I could get back quickly to help him. 
I frantically sprinted through the streets but there wasn't anywhere that sold inhalers and I started to despair.  I needed to at least get back so I could try to work him through his panic and find a way to get him through his asthma attack.  It wasn't until a flash of yellow darted in front of me that I began to feel hope for the situation. 
"I happened to be walking by and I heard there was trouble so I got here as quickly as I could.  Take this," Korosensei quickly ranted, an object sliding into my hand.  Everything was moving too quickly and I barely had time to take in what my teacher was saying until he started to push me along back to the restaurant.  Looking down at my hand, I spotted the inhaler. 
"How did you...?  Were you spying on us?" I questioned as I ran down the street with Korosensei by my side.  The octopus had turned strangely quiet for a moment but I was starting not to care.  We had the inhaler and could save y/n now, that was all that mattered. 
"Never mind that.  And if he asks, say it was you that found the inhaler," Korosensei answered ominously.  When I turned to glance at him, he was already gone.  He was always weird but I wasn't sure where he would get with this.  I had to focus though and sprinted the rest of the distance back to y/n.



I wasn't sure how long I had been wheezing when I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder firmly.  Shaking my head in defiance, I paused when I felt the familiar plastic tubing against my lips.  My hand shot up to squeeze the inhaler, my lungs constricting to breathe. 
It took several moments with someone's hand rubbing my back until I was breathing hard but no longer suffering.  My eyes lifted to see a panting Isogai, his face covered in sweat and a concerned frown.  Guilt swirled in me at the sight.  I'd come all this way to try to repay him for his kindness and he managed to save me yet again. 
"Thank you," I managed to croak out.  Isogai grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into a hug as I felt him tremble.  I kept from chuckling for fear of breaking out into another asthma attack but I held up the inhaler in offering.  Isogai smiled softly, shaking his head as he exhaled a small amused sigh. 
"I'm good.  I'm just glad you're okay now," he stated.  I nodded softly, still using the inhaler in small amounts. 
When I was ready, Isogai lifted me onto my feet and escorted me to the door.  I expected him to send me home but he walked with me out of the restaurant.  When I turned an inquisitive stare at him he only waved me off.  "But you—." 
"You don't need to talk, just focus on breathing.  My boss gave me a paid day off so I could get you home safe," he explained with a smile.  I would've felt even more guilty if it was unpaid time off but Isogai looked truly pleased.  I guess I had ironically helped him by needing his help yet again.  Leaning against him like I've done my whole life, we walked down the streets under the sunlight towards home for much needed rest.

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