Kanzaki x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

I couldn't help the anticipated smile that made my lips curve sinisterly. My foot tapped against the hardwood floors as my plan fell into place inside my head. Nothing was going to stop me from killing my target and accomplishing my mission.

It's been a whole month since I've been switched to this class with the task of annihilating the yellow teacher and I couldn't be happier with the honor bestowed upon me. As a trained assassin, there is no excuse for me to fail.

My eyes narrowed at the sight of the inhuman teacher that strode through the door with ease. The idea of killing that ease made my foot tap faster, my hand coming up to my neck as my nails scratched into my skin in anticipation.

Korosensei neared his desk and time seemed to slow down. He wouldn't be able to detect the bomb planted until it was too late. The seconds ticked down in my head as I wanted to burst with tension. This suspense was going to kill me; I hope it'll last.

The pace of my fingers sped up against my skin as a delightful sting erupted along my neck. I was leaning forward with each step he took, my breathing becoming erratic. Everything else faded away, my classmates around me becoming nothing more than a blur.

His tentacle raised to grab something off his desk, the seconds in my head running down to 0 as I let out a deep chuckle. The sound of a click echoed through the room. My fingers ceased their movement against my neck as nothing exploded.

The smile on my face instantly slipped as the yellow creature turned his mocking expression to me, a gray device in one of his tentacles. My bomb. A wider smile stretched across my face in return.

"I'd like to ask that all explosive weapons are used outside only Mr. L/n," Korosensei chastised, tossing the bomb into a trash can beside his desk. I gave him an enthusiastic wave before leaning back in my chair.

A tap to my shoulder made me turn around to lock eyes with one of my classmates. Caramel brown irises were wide and focused on me in admiration. I recognized the girl as Kanzaki, one of my sweeter classmates.

"That was your bomb, right? You were so close this time," she smiled, her eyes practically sparkling. Butterflies erupted in my chest along with a swell of pride. I was already sure of eliminating our teacher the next chance I got but her interest in me made me feel confident.

"Thanks Kanzaki. I'll make sure to get him next time," I stated before turning forward again. My foot took up its tapping rhythm but this time in nervous bashfulness. It was no mystery that Kanzaki was practically the princess of the classroom. Between her kindness and beauty, I didn't stand a chance.

A brief wave of sickness rolled through my stomach. Kanzaki was perfect and I was far from it. Whispers of my old classmates reverberated off the walls of my brain. The same classmates who called me a monster and a freak.

Shaking off the new itch simmering just underneath my skin, I turned my attention back to the front of the room. They weren't here anymore to call me a freak. Here, I was only another assassin with the same drive to kill.


A couple more days passed with all of my assassination attempts turning up as failures. I didn't let that unmotivate me though. This teacher will fall by my hand no matter how long it takes. Hopefully not too long though considering the deadline that was approaching eventually.

I was lost in thought as I sulked down the street, my nails scratching at my arm. This itchiness seemed to be growing lately. I'd have to remember to put on lotion later once I got home. My poor skin is irritated now from being constantly torn raw.

With a sigh, I kicked a rock down the dark street. The sun had set a while ago giving way to the full moon that bathed the night in its light. It was slightly chilly with a gentle breeze that ruffled my hair. It was the perfect conditions for a peaceful night but by the breaking of a glass bottle nearby, I quickly found out that it wasn't going to end well for some.

The sound had gripped my attention instantly along with a familiar pleading voice. Tossing my backpack to the ground, I turned around the corner of an alleyway to peek at what seemed to be occurring. Two dark figures hovered over a recognizable girl.

"Look at this cute little thing. So small and helpless. You should go home with us so you're safe," a raspy voice snickered. My fists clenched as I realized what this asshole was trying to do to Kanzaki. Quickly running back to my backpack, I continued to listen in on the threatening conversation as I rummaged for a certain belonging.

"C'mon sweetheart, we'll be gentle with you. You better hurry before the creeps show up," the other guy pushed. I peeked around the corner again to notice they were practically pushing her back against the wall. Despite her circumstance, I had to admire the way she held her chin high in defiance to their harassment. The situation wasn't going to last much longer though.

"Your pick up lines need work and you need new faces if you plan to get a woman anywhere near you willingly," I sneered, twirling the switchblade from my backpack around my fingers as I approached the group. I could've blown them up but that would've been too merciful. These two were about to suffer a slow death for messing with Kanzaki.

"Who the hell do you think you are freak? Get the fuck out of here before we gut you," the uglier of the two hissed, one of his grubby hands retreating into his pocket to pull out a small knife. A chuckle escaped my lips at the inexperience this punk had with the way he was grasping the weapon.

Kanzaki's head was turned to face me, her eyes wide and reflecting a hint of fear. She had a hand in her small bag to her side, a weapon clearly in her hold if things got out of hand. It seems she would have handled this herself but there was no way I was backing out now. Turning my attention back to the disgusting assholes, I smiled sinisterly as I spun my switchblade quicker.

"How about you come find out what this freak can do?" I taunted, taking a single step closer. The first one to move forward died quickly. A quick cut to his jugular was all it took for him to fall, his dagger flying from his lifeless hand to skitter across the asphalt. He had been slow and I was full of anxious violence.

His buddy stood frozen as I began to scratch my neck in victory. Adrenaline coursed through my veins like a drug as I turned my focus onto the remaining target. I might not be able to destroy an unkillable teacher but I sure as hell could take out a harassing pig. The guy left standing stared at me with widened eyes full of fear and anger, a war in his mind that would be put to rest soon enough.

I struck quickly and quietly, letting my switchblade do the talking for me. This guy was slightly quicker than the last and managed to raise his knife to my arm as my own blade sank into his neck. The stinging sensation in my shoulder alerted me to my own wound but it was too late as the last target fell in a heap of death.

I let out a loud chuckle in victory as my other hand came up to cup my oozing wound. The blood was already staining my uniform and spreading further. It made me feel a bit light headed but I knew I wasn't going to die tonight.

"Thank you so much! I couldn't seem to move back there and if you didn't show up, I don't know where I would be now," Kanzaki cried out, her arms coming up to wrap around me before she paused to look at my arm in horror. "Your arm."

I gave a small shrug, my smile still remaining from the aftershocks of my adrenaline. Everything felt like static with my skin burning to be scratched but I was a little busy cradling my arm to start an itching frenzy.

"I'll be alright. There's nothing I can't handle," I stated quietly, looking over her to search for any wounds on her own body. Luckily, she seemed to be unharmed but those guys still could've touched her. The idea made me sick to my stomach. How could anyone harm such a wonderful person?

"You need to be patched up. That cut is deep," Kanzaki declared, her hand gently moving aside the torn cloth of my uniform to look at the gash. I didn't need to look at it to know it wasn't good. By the way her face paled, I already knew it needed to be taken care of.

"I'll take care of it later after I escort you to your house," I insisted. Her warm eyes stared into mine in thought. She gave me a firm nod before grabbing my hand to guide me behind her. I managed to swipe my backpack as she pulled me down the street.

"When we get to my house, you're coming inside so I can clean out your cut. It's the least I can do after you helped me," she smiled over her shoulder at me. A sudden warmth traveled up my body to my face. Her determination to fix me up was strange and yet deeply appreciated. The sensation traveling through my body had nothing to do with my urge to itch anymore, it felt more intense than anything I've ever known.

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