Kayano x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the rad idea!

The hike to the classroom was bearable, if not enjoyable.  Birds chirped merrily in the morning light and I felt at peace as a soft breeze gently shook the leaves of the trees.  There was nothing to worry about here in this tranquility, nothing to remember except this feeling of belonging.  It seems to be the only thing I can remember at this point. 
I came to an abrupt stop at a sudden realization.  What was I even doing out here again?  I slowly spun in a circle, looking for anything that could give away my original purpose but nothing was recognizable.  A small frown pulled at my lips at the fogginess of my brain.  It was disappointing at times to feel this lost in my own mind. 
"There you are!" someone's voice rang out, snapping me from my dreamlike state.  I turned to the unrecognizable voice to see a small boy with bright blue hair and a girl with sea green hair running to me with open arms.  Both of them held expressions of friendliness towards me but I don't think I know them.  Something about the girl tugged at my memory though.  She crashed into me, wrapping me up in a hug. 
"Did you get lost again?" the boy asked with a tilt of his head.  I stared at him blankly, trying to place a name to his face but nothing came to mind but how bright his hair was.  Was that even natural? 
"Do I know you?" I mumbled.  The boy paused a moment before sighing half heartedly.  The girl still embracing me shivered once, releasing me the next moment.  She stared at me disappointedly.  Again, a feeling of familiarity hit me. 
"Your memory still hasn't improved?" she frowned.  I shook my head solemnly.  I guess these people did know me and I ought to know them as well.  My memory was fuzzy but bits and pieces fit in my mind.  Flashes of conversations about my memory loss, the dropping grades, the changing of my class.  Names bubbled up from the depth of my memory to spill from my mouth. 
"Gender, Forever Flat..." the boy grunted slightly as the girl's face flushed.  Something felt off about the second name till something cleared away in my brain.  "No wait, it's Kayano right?" 
She let out a squeal making me jump at the sudden noise.  Her arms once again wrapped around me though I didn't mind.  If my few memories were correct, I enjoyed being around her.  Easy conversations and gentle eyes came to mind at the name. 
"Oh my gosh you remembered!" she giggled excitedly.  A small smile slipped onto my face at her enthusiasm.  I wish I had a full recollection of all our encounters, she was nice to be around.  "Nagisa, his memory must be getting better!"  The blue haired boy had a slightly forced smile. 
"Well sort of.  My name's not Gender," he clarified.  The name Nagisa sounded right as well but it was already slipping away by the time Kayano's arms released me once more at the sound of a far off bell.  Her hand found my wrist, gripping it firmly. 
"We'll teach him that later Gender, we need to get to class before we're late," Kayano exclaimed as she started to run, pulling me behind her.  Where was I going again?  This girl seemed to know as she tugged me alongside her.  It was comfortable to feel a sense of belonging even if I can't remember why.

Now what was I doing again?  My eyes lazily scanned the room I was in.  A blue haired boy was there, his features familiar.  Was that bright hair even natural?  He held a mop as he cleaned the blue speckled floor.  A yellow octopus creature was in the corner holding a suspicious looking magazine to his face.  Wait, Gender and Korosensei.  I grinned slightly at how quick their names came to me this time.  I was surely getting better, I think. 
Kayano stood near me, her mind seemingly elsewhere.  I was somewhat worried but who was I to judge a wandering mind?  I turned my back to roam a bit.  It didn't take long till I was questioning where I was and what was happening. 
Gender exclaimed, dragging my attention to what was happening.  Sea green tentacles whipped in the air, connected to Kayano's neck.  My body froze at the sight.  Was I supposed to know this already?  Did I forget something so important about her?  I thought I was getting better. 
Her eyes glanced at me, her expression unreadable as she struck out suddenly in the direction of the octopus thing.  A loud crash sounded as I launched myself to tackle Gender away from the pitfall.  We landed in a heap on the ground, the pitfall swallowing Kayano and the yellow octopus.  Panic gripped my senses as I crawled to the edge to peer down.  There was yelling but I couldn't understand a thing, it being too dark to see anything either. 
Before I could debate and forget the disadvantages of jumping into a pit, there was an earth trembling explosion from outside.  There was a roll of fog in my brain as I froze, not sure where I was or what I was so worked up about.  I peered around the destroyed room to find no one there.  Was I not supposed to be here?  Wasn't I just with someone?  I didn't appreciate this feeling of helplessness. 
It took me several minutes of panicked confusion before the familiar blandness washed everything else away.  I stumbled to my feet, careful not to fall into the pit.  How did a pit even get there?  My hand reached the door of the small room right as a boy barged in. 
"Ah, I'm sorry!  We've been looking all over for you!  We thought you ran off somewhere when Kayano went crazy," the boy exclaimed.  I tilted my head in confusion.  Kayano went crazy?  Prince Poverty.  The name hit me suddenly but I didn't have the focus to celebrate. 
"Kayano?" I mumbled curiously.  Prince Poverty gave a sympathetic frown, his hand gripping my shoulder reassuringly.  His face was serious, already telling me that the news he was about to tell me, and I was about to forget, would be bad. 
"I think we need to talk."

The night was chilly, goosebumps rising along my arms despite my jacket.  The view of Kayano preparing to square off with our teacher in a battle to the death didn't help the shivers going down my spine.  This wasn't right. 
Prince Poverty and Gender held me back by my shoulders.  They had mentioned a reason but I couldn't remember what it was.  The urge to rush to the sea green girl was strong though.  I vaguely remember her as sweet so why was she emanating such a vicious energy.  Was my memory faulty yet again?  I was tired of this.  Sick and tired of doubting myself over and over again when everyone else didn't think twice about their truths.  Movement in the tall grass battlefield caught my attention. 
Fire curled up from the tentacles protruding from Kayano's neck.  The sight was terrifying.  Her eyes had taken a new shine from their calming hazel, burning in the firelight.  The dry grass caught quickly, erupting in heat that surrounded the yellow octopus.  I strained against the arms of the two guys holding me in place.  I guess that explains why they were there.  How they knew I was going to behave this way was beyond me.  Maybe I told them and forgot. 
Kayano launched herself forward, her tentacles a blur of fire and death.  Korosensei didn't stand a chance against such speed and hatred.  He ducked and dodged but it was clear the heat was messing with his tactics, his movements slightly slower than usual.  My focus shifted to Kayano though.  This fire was too much for her.  She would end up hurting far more than the octopus by the look of things. 
"Kayano stop it!" I yelled out pleadingly but she either didn't hear me or didn't care.  She only struck again and again despite the pain it must be causing her.  If this continued she could die.  A floating head of Korosensei interrupted my growing panic as he strained to keep this form. 
"We need to get rid of her tentacles..." he panted tiredly.  He went through explaining the scientifics of it and why it was essential to her life that they were taken out.  Most of the info began to slip from my brain but I held on tightly to the basic concepts.  Those tentacles needed to be gone.  "...one of you needs to make her forget her bloodlust."  My head shot up at the opportunity. 
"Me!  I can do it," I burst out.  Unsure glances were aimed in my direction but it was the most surety I've ever felt in a long time.  I could get Kayano to calm down enough to remove the tentacles.  I'd help her like she has helped me.  "I know I can do it.  You all have to trust that she'll calm down with me."  There was a moment of silence, my confidence slipping. 
"Fine by me," Gender stated, his hold on me slightly loosening to allow me to move.  I felt Prince Poverty's grip also retract.  No one else spoke out against the decision as I stepped forward, readying myself. 
The fight continued with fear trying to break through but good thing I forgot what I was scared about by the time my time came.  Korosensei held Kayano in a tight grip, her body thrashing violently.  I strode forward, proud that I hadn't forgotten my purpose. 
"Kayano?" I called but she didn't look at me.  I huffed at the lack of attention, settling for a more direct approach considering how little time we had before her life force was completely drained.  My hands found her face, forcing her attention to my face.  Her glazed eyes widened as she stared at me.  I was slightly hesitant but dedicated myself to saving her as I leaned in. 
"I'm sorry," I whispered before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.  She whimpered, struggling slightly only to go still.  In a matter of seconds, her face began leaning into mine.  Memories exploded through my mind of every interaction between us.  Every heart warming conversation, every gentle gaze, and now this kiss. 
There was a sharp tug as something came loose, her body going fully limp.  My arms wrapped around her to keep her from falling, sheltering her with my body.  A soft blush dusted her cheeks, a heat crawling up my face as well. 
"Please don't hate me, I'll probably forget anyway," I pleaded silently.  My finger came up to tuck a strand of hair away from her peaceful face.  She was gorgeous when she was sleeping and I hoped I wouldn't forget this feeling any time soon.

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