Kanzaki x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the idea!

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I looked up at the rundown building that was now officially my school.  The idea made me sick but my mission was bigger than my disgust towards the prospect of corrupt education.  I tugged absentmindedly at my gloves to ensure they were still there.  If I wanted to blend in they were essential to defend against prying eyes. 

It was surprisingly easy for my keepers to slip me into the system.  Money was a great motivator and they spared no expense when it came to me.  A small shudder slid down my spine with the knowledge of my importance.  As their experiment, I was seen as their property and left with no option but to fight to survive, and I planned to go down fighting. 

I felt my hands and chest clench with the renewed determination to kill my target.  Korosensei was his name supposedly, ironic with the purpose of my arrival, to be unkillable was impossible though. 

A bell rang nearby alerting me to the start of the day as the students lingering in the courtyard walked to class.  With little options, I followed them into the building.  My mission was officially in motion with no way to stop it.


My patience was already worn thin by the time lunch rolled around.  I had met the stupid octopus only to be revealed immediately as an assassin and humiliated in front of everyone after failing the math portion of a practice test.  I was hoping for a stealth attack but after multiple shots, it seemed that his name was truly fitting.  I had to remind myself though that this was only the first day and there would be an opportunity eventually. 

I angrily dropped to the ground behind the building hoping for some privacy to collect my composure.  There was one thing I was grateful for; he hadn't mentioned my hidden features to the class.  It wasn't anyone's business and was better tucked away behind my shirt and gloves. 

"Why are you back here all alone?"  I nearly jumped out of my skin at the voice by my ear.  My head whipped around as my hands instinctively raised only to find one of my classmates.  Annoyance gripped me as I lowered my hands to glare at the girl.  She only laughed at my response. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I gritted.  She didn't even realize the danger she put herself in just now.  I took a moment to compose myself but the simmer of my earlier humiliation mixed with this new encounter was boiling. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she chuckled light-heartedly.  My muscles seemed to relax at her tone.  She didn't do it to mock or tease by the sweet shine in her caramel eyes.  "I'm Yukiko Kanzaki." 

She sat by my side uninvited but I didn't push her away as she lifted her hand to shake mine.  I hesitated at the handshake, fiddling with my glove to ensure it was covering my hand all the way.  She watched with curious eyes till I groaned and shook her hand firmly.  I yanked my hand back quickly before she felt any sort of difference.  She only offered a tilt of her head before continuing like nothing had happened. 

"I really didn't mean to sneak up on you, I was just thinking that you shouldn't spend your first day here alone."  It was surprising how sincere she was being, not a single word hinted at ulterior motives.  How could someone truly care this much to leave her own friends to sit with a stranger she only knows as an assassin?  She was either incredibly sweet or unfortunately stupid. 

"I don't need your pity.  Run off back to your friends," I frowned.  No matter how sincere she was it didn't change my mission or what I was. 

Kanzaki didn't seem to hear me as she pulled out a bag of sweets from the coat of her uniform.  I instantly perked up as she offered some to me.  It was no mystery that I had a bit of a sweet tooth, food being the way to my heart.  Perhaps keeping this girl around would be beneficial.

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