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"So, you said you're a weight lifter, right?" Miranda asked and Claire nodded "Any special reason or you're just obsessed with fitness?"

"It's healthy, so I do it" Claire shrugged.

"Realest answer to a question" Gregory chuckled.

"What about you?" Claire asked "Got any special reasons for doing yours?"

Miranda nodded "I'm training to be a professional fighter"

Claire was bemused "Wow, really?"

Miranda beamed "Yup"

"She's been trying to get into any mixed martial arts program for a while now. She recently got a legit agent who booked her a small spot in an underground fighting championship. Rumor has it though, that some of the people at the top come there to scout"

"That's why I stick with body weight exercises, it helps keep me in that light weight division. But, I'm thinking of moving to heavy weight and that's why I'm considering lifting now"

Claire was stunned.

That was the last thing she expected Miranda to say.

"You must be one hell of a fighter" Claire said.

"She is amazing. There was this one time, a couple of dudes tried to rob us as we headed home. My car was bad during that period so we had to walk most of our way after we got down from a cab. The guys were undeniably surprised when both me and Miranda began to kick their butts" Gregory and Miranda shared hearty laughs as they recalled the memory while Claire managed a small smile.

"I remember the Russian guy begging us but it sounded so funny because all he said was in Russian" Miranda shook her head with a small laugh then sighed.

"That's pretty nice. I actually do a bit of fighting myself" Claire said and they both turned to her.


"Yeah, I pushed myself into it when I was a detective. For self defense in certain situations"

Miranda and Gregory's eyes widened.

"You were a detective?"

Claire nodded.

"Like, an actual detective? Like, a detective that solved murders and mysteries and all that?"


They both stared at each other then stared back at her.

"That's really awesome" Gregory said.

Claire's response was a small smile.

"How many cases did you solve during your time as a detective?"

Claire shrugged "I didn't exactly count them. I just did my job"

"What is the most disgusting thing you've seen on a case?" Gregory turned to Miranda and the eager smile faded from her face as her eyes landed on him.

"What? You asked your question"

Claire chuckled then paused in thought "I think it would be..." Her eyes flashed as she recollected "A homicide were the killer used acid. He had doused it on his brother so his brothers guts were spewing outside his body and his flesh was all gooey and sticky"

Gregory stared in horror at Claire while Miranda stared like she had just said the most awesome thing in the world.

"That's gross" Miranda said with a smile and laughed.

"How the hell did you manage to stare at something like that? The description is already nerve wracking to say the least"

"It was my job, and I saw that years after I had already become a detective. So, seeing mutilated bodies wasn't exactly new for me at that point"

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