At the Edge of the World

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"Oh, Merlins Beard!"
Newt suddenly exclaimed from her side, surging forward. She had been trying (and failing) to fix her broken auror badge clip that had seemingly gotten dented in the night (no one had owned up to it.) They had been walking for a while now, Queenie seemingly slowly regaining use of her leg down in the case based on Jacobs's affirmative exclamation when questioned and Theseus and Lally seemed to be giggling about something or other yet again. There was definitely something up there. Meaning she was barely paying attention to what was going on around them at that precise moment causing her to stab her finger with her badge pin as she flicked her head up. Just ahead was a large creature, on its side and still apart from the occasional glimpse of a head that was still oozing with blood ,in a perfect square, as it thrashed slightly. Tina went to follow Newt with Theseus and Lally coming behind her but he held up a hand, stopping them in their tracks as he crept up to the creature.

He seemed to be deliberately keeping in the creature's line of sight as he crept up to it, arms wide and hands in a placating gesture as he crooned musically. After a beat the creature echoed the cry and Newt seemed to take this as a signal to creep closer. She watched, heart in throat, as he approached this potentially deadly creature before whispering,somehow almost painfully loud in the quiet clearing
"You're okay,you're okay"
His hand connected with the thick piece of flesh between the necks of the lion and the goat and Tina watched as a shudder ran through the beasts body, ending with the snake at the end of the tail letting out a cough of flame in protest. However Newt hummed again and the snake went quiet before slinking over to the vulnerable skin of Newt's wrist and settling. He then spoke in his continued string of constant murmuring.
"Oh what has he done to you?"
This time it was the goat head that let out the bleat,hanging strange in the absence of one of their horns.

Slowly, he stepped backwards to reach into his case and began summoning the variety of potions and poultices she had found him preparing the night before, applying each one with the precision of a Healer while never once looking away. The Lions head made a whimper that sounded more kneazle like than a great beast should and Newt spoke slowly, levitating the case towards them with a gently nudge of his wand
"Theseus, Lally could you please alert the others and get Bunty to ready the empty plains habitat?"
Both nodded and soon Tina was left standing awkwardly beside the case when Newt offered his hand for her to come closer. She obliged and wordlessly Newt replaced his hand with hers on the goats head, meaning she was holding the strong smelling poultice in place over the oozing skin and damaged horn. He then proceeded to crouch down by the lions paw, easily as big as his head, and went to touch the gaping wound when the beast snarled suddenly.
"It's okay,sh sh shhh you're alright. If you let me do this you'll feel so much-"
He stopped suddenly and Tina looked over in concern to see him inspecting a mark which looked like a number imprinted on the lions fur.
"I believe this may be one of Terrence Micklerose's Chimeras- he used to breed them for Potion ingredients. Terrible man but he did tend to take care of them"
Well that made sense to why they hadn't been burnt to a crisp yet or eaten
"What happened to them then, how is this guy out here?"
"There was a shipment to the East that got raided and many creatures escaped into the wild- This chap clearly being one of them"
"So he's just been living free-"
"Yes, the other one seen at the clearing may have just been his mate- Vastly complicated mating rituals I've heard"
"More complicated than humans?"
She don't know what prompted her to say it, maybe it was the half of her still kicking herself for the other night, but she watched as Newts cheeks went pink. Only concealed as he uncorked a bottle of some antibiotic paste and ducked behind the head of the lion. She did however hear his muffled response of
"The actual 'mating' part is rather rudimentary"
He then reappeared as he moved down to the snake head, face seemingly redder, murmuring
"It's the finding of a mate and everything that comes with it that makes it complicated"
"I hear that..."
She sighed while gently beginning to stroke the non injured part of the goats neck, causing it to bleat slightly stronger than before.

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