A Castle in the Sky

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If England was beginning to warm and New York had a nip to the air then High Point was bitterly cold. The American wizarding village connected to Ilvermorny was still covered in snow and the few citizens were wandering around in thick fur-lined robes and boots. Newt was infinitely glad he was wearing his boots and coat as Queenie, who had appeared between him and Tina with Jacob on her arm, had been wearing some practical heels which had sunk into the snow and soaked her stockinged feet.
"Bloody hell it's cold!"
He heard Theseus protest, waving his wand and sending heating charms everywhere. Not even Hogsmeade could compare to the almost painful air and he was about to mutter just that to Tina, who was wrapping her coat tighter around her when a cart came bumbling past being directed by two chatty wizards. They were wearing the same heavy wool and fur cloaks that seemed to be common as well as fur hats complete with tails. He severely hoped the creatures didn't suffer to achieve such clothing.
One of them called to the group, looking at Newt searchingly as if he recognised him. Most of the group just blinked in surprise, far too bothered with enforcing warming charms or absorbing the surroundings to really respond, yet Queenie managed to chirp back
"Morning'" As the cart wheeled along, the two drivers waving with a laugh.

They continued to fuss about as they gained their bearings but as he began to take more notice of where they had appeared he noticed that they were more or less standing in the middle of the road. It was then that he also remembered he was holding his brothers arm, clinging to it rather reminiscent of when he was small and would get overwhelmed in busy places. Theseus had obviously noticed this as well because he had a small smile on his face but hadn't moved away. As discreetly as possible he unwound his arm and then went to stand in front of everyone, turning to Tina while herding them slightly more out of the road.
"So where is Ilvermorny?"
She pointed to over his shoulder and a little to his right was a clear view over the mountain which had a giant castle growing out of the peak. Surrounded by huge evergreen trees, unlike Hogwart's dark grey stone it was a much paler grey colour with five turrets protruding from it, reaching towards the sky. Four of the turrets had different coloured flags with what looked almost like creatures illustrated on each one. Each of these creatures was mirrored on a cranberry flag on the central turret. Slightly below it, down into the valley, was what looked like a Quidditch pitch, shockingly green compared to the rest of the landscape. But what was most surprising was the network of magical cables suspended in the air with what looked like trams attached to them.
"Is that how we get up to the school?"
Theseus asked incredulously and Queenie chuckled
"Well, yeah, there is a path but it's a mighty long way"
"You've ridden Hippogriffs Theseus, that's far more dangerous than this" Tina added as she walked up to him, tugged on his hand and began leading them towards an elaborate-looking station.

All the while he kept an eye on his surroundings. It seemed rather similar to Hogsmeade with its shops, inns and buildings but it had an additional American charm he had gradually begun to appreciate more. The buildings were predominantly made of logs, quaint little cabins with porches decked with benches and antlers, but floating lanterns adorned each one as well as icicles and flower wreaths. It was quite charming but not as charming as his companions' reactions which seemed quite soft and filled with faraway expressions. The station seemed rather central in the little community so it didn't take long to reach the elaborately decorated station where a wooden carriage awaited manned by a house elf. Shielded from the cold it too was adorned with lights and had the same old feel as the Leaky Cauldron with its heavy beams. He looked around to see a spritely house elf readying what looked like the ball he gave the pack of semi-feral kneazles in his case to play with. Not one to forget his manners he greeted the elf with a smile and a wave. Clearly thrown slightly by his manner the elf looked at him curiously before shaking his great bat-like ears and tipping his hat in response.
"If you could board Sirs and Madams?" The house elf squeaked and while Tina and Queenie eagerly walked to the door and gestured for them to follow, he, Jacob and Theseus looked between themselves incredulously. They remained in that position until Tina leaned over and yanked him, directing him rather unceremoniously through the door as she muttered something about "Dragons" and "Swimming with river monsters".

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