Mount Olympus

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They had been on the mission for less than two days and Theseus was yet to lose the excitement of a new case. An excitement he shared with Tina, despite her denial. They were Aurors and nothing fired Aurors up more than a confusing, dangerous and brand-spanking new case. They were now standing in the office, it had been a rather disinterested man and unfortunately not the man he used to get to America. He hadn't cared about Theseus nor Tinas auror emergency passes when they refused to share more about the case and told them they were full. Considering how vacant the room was it was an interesting version of full and he looked between their little group curiously before getting a rather good idea.

"Girls, one of you needs to go and use your wiles"
Queenie instantly scowled at him and moved closer to Jacob. Sending a slight barb at her, which she thankfully didn't catch, for being his first choice he focused his gaze on the three other women
"Use our wiles? Honestly..."
Tina grumbled, grinding the heel of her boot further into the softened floor.'
"I-I don't have any wiles... I'd be no help at all"
Bunty babbled and Theseus tried not to agree too quickly, her attempts to lure in his equally hopeless brother had shown that. This left Lally and Tina to look at each other equally unenthused
"Rock, paper, scissors?"
Lally asked and both women raised a fist. He sent Newt a silent look of 'what on earth?' which Newt surprisingly returned. Then the two smacked their fists into their palm
"Rock, paper, scissors!"
Tina had her hand balled up and Lally's palm was flat causing Tina to groan and ask
"Best of three?"
They repeated the same action but this time Tina's hand was flat and Lally held two fingers apart.
"Damn it!"
Tina exclaimed
"Too easy Goldstein"
"Oh shut it Hicks" She scowled before looking at him "You're literally head auror can't you just threaten him or something?"
"Hmm... technically but this way I'm less likely to lose my job, and this is far more amusing"
She glared at him before glancing guiltily at his brother. Then with a muttered
"I can't even flirt..."
She stomped off towards the desk and he settled against the wall to enjoy whatever theatrics were about to go down.

It only took five minutes, some obnoxious laughing on Tina's part, a lot of grumbling on Newts and mostly eye rolls and knowing looks exchanged between everyone else for Tina to come sashaying over with a portkey and a triumphant look on her face.
"See Teenie I've always told ya you're a catch you just need some confidence"
Queenie supplied and to his surprise, he saw Tina's cheeks redden slightly as her gaze flickered.
"I don't know about that Queenie...."
"Don't be so modest Tina"
Lally tutted as they surrounded the portkey. Tina seemingly shrivelling in embarrassment in a way he hadn't seen Tina do, ever.
"Come on, let's just get to Greece."
Newt murmured, ever so slightly sulkily and he watched as Tina looked probingly at him. A silent question which Newt replied by staring down at the glass bottle.

The portkey manager counted back from three then Theseus felt that familiar tug in his naval as they were whipped across the continent.


"Finally some good weather!"
Was the first thing he registered once they had finally stopped spinning. The exclamation came from Tina who was the only other person upright. They must have passed through a storm as it was a lot more nauseating than usual and anyone who wasn't a seasoned portkeyer was in some sort of horizontal position. He offered Lally a hand first as Tina hauled Jacob to his feet and Bunty staggered on shaky legs. Surprisingly Newt was still crouched on the floor and while Tina pulled her sister to her feet as Jacob dry heaved he walked over and grabbed his brother's shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
He whispered as he righted his brother's case beside him
"I... tend to take... Muggle transport... for a reason..."
He took a deep breath between each statement and Theseus squeezed his shoulder in comfort. He waited another few seconds then offered his hand to pull his brother up. It was another moment before Newt grabbed his hand and hauled himself up.

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