All the Grace of a One Winged Owl

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Newt was deep in the throngs of sleep,skirting along the fuzzy remnants of a dream, when he was shocked awake with what his sleep-ridden state deemed a chunk of tundra tucking itself into the leg of his pyjamas. He went to wriggle but a second of studying proved it to be Tina's foot that unlike her warm body draped over him rather like a sunbathing kneazle her extremities seemed to have dropped to the rough temperature of a glacial lake.

Lifting his head, he squinted at the sheds window and tried to guess the time but his only guess
was that it was very early morning based on the darkness and quiet outside. So instead of immediately getting up and beginning the process of preparing the creatures morning meal he rolled over as delicately as he could so that he was nose to nose with the seemingly still deeply asleep Tina. Despite him duplicating his pillow one of them must have rolled onto one pillow in the night causing the other to be discarded on the floor. She was wearing her usual worn pyjamas and despite them going to sleep facing each other but lying separate their bodies seemed to have taken a will of their own with their legs tangled together and while one of his arms was resting on her waist the other was underneath her head, both rather pleasantly numb.

Watching Tina mumble he smiled as he admired her. Her hair seemed to be sticking up just as violently as he imagined his own currently was and her eyelids were fluttering in her sleep. He thought she looked utterly beautiful and despite the fact his neck was cricked at an awkward angle he was content to watch steady stream of her breathing. As he watched her so at peace he felt himself dropping off again, eyes drifting shut while he pulled her closer to tuck his chin over her head. She murmured once again in her sleep and he nudged his nose into her hair just as the case lid opened and someone landed with a thud beside him. The noise caused him to shoot up which in turn span Tina into the haphazardly constructed shed wall and while she cried out in surprise he winced as all at once his nerves came alight in his arms. Snatching his wand off of the crate he used as a bed side table he came face to face with his brother who began "Why are you-" before stopping at the sight of the disgruntled Tina who was rubbing her face and mumbling
"Newt? What in the love of Morgana is going on?"
It was at that moment Newt realised several things at once.

One, that Theseus was still half in his pyjamas which meant he must have apparated straight over in a rush. Two, that they were in an incredibly compromising position and three that he wasn't in fact holding his wand but rather a spindly looking carrot Dougal had discarded at the sight of a basket full of apples. There was a beat of a sticky awkwardness where his brother just raised his eyebrows before directing his gaze at Tina
"I've just had a MACUSA messenger owl batter down my door-"
Tina murmured and he turned to her
"What's it say?"
Theseus huffed and handed her an envelope
"Basically said to get you back to New York or they'd take it up with my superiors"
Tina didn't answer for a moment, sitting upright and scanning through the letter the crease between her eyebrows deepening in a way he found frightfully endearing. His brain went to go down that train of thought when he caught his brothers still comically raised eyebrows and subconsciously he shuffled to pull at the blanket.

"This says by order of the president..."
"I thought Prichard had given the all clear?"
"Yeah..." Tina murmured before clearing her throat and sighing slightly "But it doesn't look like they meant it"
She then scrambled to her feet, tripping over his legs as she landed on the wooden floor.
"It said about a portkey-"
Theseus produced a box from his jacket pocket
"Yes a um four person portkey?"
"Why is this a point of confusion?"
Newt asked, swinging his pyjama clad legs out of the bed. Tina reached for her comb and he could tell by the way her eyebrows were still scrunched that something was playing on their mind
"Because at the absolute most they should know about me and you"
"Queenie and Jacob have permission to use these channels as part of their test subject status don't they? And it isn't exactly a large leap in logic that they would be with us"
"Yeah but that would be a favour and MACUSA has already granted me way too many of those"
"Tina you're a brilliant witch and a brilliant Head Auror, why wouldn't they help you?"
"Newt..." she dropped her voice "You know how popular I am"
"Okay there's a lot of hidden meanings here that I am far too sleep deprived to deal with." Theseus exclaimed dramatically, pulling on his pyjama bottoms "I mean I am currently trying not to think too much about what on earth I just walked In on-"
"We were just sleeping Theseus."
Newt grumbled and his brother gestured grandly
"It is never just sleeping"
"Well sorry to disappoint then" Tina remarked dryly "Look we need to go get dressed and we need to get our asses over to New York so I can find out what's going on"
She then grabbed her case and disappeared through the door, presumably to get dressed in what he used as a bathing area.

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