A Stain on the Table

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Newt's dining area was filled to the brim as everyone prepared for what lay ahead. The sun was yet to appear over the horizon of London's network of buildings meaning the main source of light in the room was from the flickering street lamp outside and the oil lamp the two Aurors were currently using to light the labyrinth of maps they were pouring over, liberally scattering it with toast crumbs as they gestured and had whispered arguments. Queenie wasn't particularly phased by the early hour or her sisters gesturing as she breezed past Newt bottle-feeding a strange ape-like creature, falling asleep in Newt's arms, and shoved another cup of coffee in her sister's flailing hand. Tina didn't even pause her argument, muttering it into her coffee mug as she took a sip and merely sparing Queenie a nod of thanks. Since she married Jacob early mornings had become a part of her life, the ovens were lit at four, and with the Aurors being up at all hours frequently and Newt seeming to sleep on a natural cycle governed by his creatures, the only person not really there was Lally. She was sat at the opposite end of the table sipping a cup of tea and squinting at the actions at the other end. Bunty was fluttering in and out of the case, no one knew how she had found out about the mission or why she had appeared in Newt's kitchen at 4 am but there were bigger problems right now. She was seemingly checking everyone was situated so Queenie was content to busy herself making drinks while catching snippets of the surrounding thoughts.

Theseus, as usual, had his occlumency shield up. She understood his need for privacy but it did make her laugh at the differences between the brothers. Newt never even bothered to try anymore, he was never good to begin with, and he often forgot it seemed that she could hear his thoughts. Outside of Jacob, she found his the most intriguing as it was almost a constant stream of everything he didn't say. Right now he was watching Tina out of the corner of his eye and accompanying it was the usual string of idolisation that seemed to pour out of him whenever her sister entered his mind. It began to morph into the background noise as she went to chat with Jacob, he was now obsessively scrubbing at the oven despite it clearly not being cleaned by hand ever. Resting her hand on his shoulder she leaned in and stated sweetly
"I think that's clean Honey"
"Never hurts to sparkle"
He muttered, scrubbing at some of the ingrained burnt chunks fruitlessly until she stopped him with a pat to the hand.
"Honey we're okay, we'll be okay"
Jacob threw down the cloth and looked at her with his gaze weighed down by frustration
"Yeah, but for how long?"
An uncomfortable atmosphere settled over the group and there was a beat until Newt spoke.
"We simply don't know but I think we'd all prefer for it to last as long as possible-" He stood up and placed the now fully mollified baby in the case "-and I also think we'll be better off if we get going before we start to worry because-"
"Worrying means you suffer twice" Queenie, Jacob and Tina chorused and Newt smiled down at his feet just as Bunty appeared out of the case.
"Everything all right everyone?"
She asked as she clambered out and Newt responded simply
"Yes, is everyone ready to go down there?"
"Of course"
Bunty smiled awkwardly then went to stand by the table as Theseus waved his wand causing all the maps sprawled out on the table to roll up and go leaping into the case. He then flicked the case up into Newt's hand and clapped his hands together.
"Chop chop everyone"
Everyone reached for someone who knew where they were going, Tina very obviously going to grab Newt's hand, and just as she was whisked away she heard Bunty ask
"Wait what exactly are we even-"


Bunty muttered beside her as they landed heavily on the still-frozen Scottish ground. Tina was officially at the point of the year where she was sick of refreshing heat charms on her boots and managed to condense her annoyance to an eye roll as she shook the water from the puddle she landed in off her practical auror boots. She looked up and gained that smile that she never could quite lose when she gazed up at Hogwarts. It was no Ilvermorny by any means but the sheer history of the castle seemed to echo around it and Tina always appreciated a moment just to absorb the presence of ancient magic. A moment which was swiftly interrupted by her sister nearly toppling into her as she pulled Jacob back up.
"I thought we'd got your Apparating sorted?"
Tina asked as she half picked up Queenie and Jacob and righted them back on their feet
"You guys still don't get how weird disappearing from one place and reappearing a hundred miles away is, do you?"
Jacob replied lightly as Newt began to lead them all up to the castle gates and Newt answered
"No, I suppose not"

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