Enter the Magizoologist

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They slammed into the floor of the Turkish Ministry portkey arrivals with such force that not even Theseus had stuck the landing if the rather vocal complaints of a squashed Bunty were anything to go by. They had grabbed a portkey on its return visit meaning the magic had been even less stable and had very much spat them out at the other end.
"Remind me why we used the returning portkey again?" Queenie groaned somewhere near her right ear and as Tina stumbled to her feet she pulled her sister up with her before tugging her childhood friend to her feet who replied for her.
"Because if we'd have had to wait the closer Grindelwald would have got and Albus would have gotten further away"
Queenie then tugged Bunty up and the four of them turned to see Theseus pull Newt and Jacob up with too much force and nearly sent the three of them tumbling again. There was a little more staggering then Newt managed to grab his case off the floor while mumbling a string of apologies to Pickett (clearly equally offended by the bumpy transport) and they were off traversing yet another countries series of corridors filled with houselves and office dogsbodies. 

Just like it was in England and just like it was at MACUSA.

Now Tina loved her job, adored it, she was finally in the position to make decisions. Most people addressed her with respect, some still couldn't get over the fact that she was a woman (assholes) and some couldn't get over the fact she had been arrested and demoted yet was now giving the orders (may have a point). However, her elevated position meant she hadn't had a day off for forever and considering the favours she was pulling in to get on this mission it looked like it was going to be a long time to come.

Tina wasn't bitter that her still regular aurors went home on a weekend to their families and she went home to a stack of paperwork and coffee. Well, that had changed when Newt had not returned to London but it more meant she had him trying to feign interest for ten minutes before going back to whatever he was doing until they were both free. Probably a cycle that would continue until Newt got sick of such a domestic life.

While she mulled over that depressing thought she nearly fell over a tanned house elf, caught off guard by Newt swerving suddenly. All the other leads were definitive, there was a clear way from A to B but this now felt like they were grasping at straws. Once they had been lost in the buzz of the city they'd stopped for some lunch from a street vendor. They had tucked themselves away in a quiet street and while everyone else had been more focused on eating, drinking and generally getting their breath back, She and Newt had been analysing the book. It had just been a potions book, one of hundreds, but they had found deep in the book a crumpled page on a strength potion. There was a faint magical trace on it and after an in-depth conversation, Newt had stated that the creature most of the potion was made of was in Turkey and here they were.

Since that statement, Newt had gone quiet. Albus had always done things that, in her opinion, came at the expense of far too much. Usually to be given up by everyone other than him but according to Newt such potion ingredients were impossible to come by legally and required tracking the creature and stripping it. This seemed a bridge too far for Newt and he'd gone silent on her since that alleyway. The silence had made everyone somewhat uncomfortable, especially Theseus who appeared to be watching Newt intently every few minutes before finding something else to distract himself with.

The Turkish ministry appeared to consist of even more winding corridors than the ministry and it looked like they had just come to yet another dead end when finally they broke out into the sweltering Turkish sun, The same potency of Greece if not hotter. She wished she'd put back on the Greek dress but she had a feeling they'd be tracking as well as the fact that if they bumped into any acolytes dresses were just impractical in a firefight. So taking a shaky breath she shrugged off her jacket and looked to Newt who once again had his compass out. Theseus let out an amused sigh
"Alright, I have to ask, where on earth did you get a compass like that from?"
"Made it- There were Chimera sightings less than a week ago just North of here"
"You made it?"
Newt just waved his brother off as Jacob instead chose to ask
"Do you have some kind of Magizoologist mail chain?"
"Sort of, Tina told me"
He looked over at her with the softest smile and she felt herself melt. It had actually been a meeting about how despite the success of Newt's book they had to maintain vigilance on creatures becoming too close to the city. This conversation had been conducted in the absence of the entire beast department, including Newt who could have added some actual helpful information to the discussion, and while she'd spent most of the meeting arguing against concerns of various beasts she had learnt about several sightings that hadn't made there way to the New York papers. Of course, she had made notes then passed them onto Newt who had spent the evening updating where several of the colonies he'd helped were as well as potential creatures to study.

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