School project

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The next day, at the school, the Class of Mrs. Bustier are shown a video of Clara Nightingale, who reveals is having a concert in a couple of days in front of the Eiffel Tower to honor the celebration of Ladybug and Cat Noir's victory over Monarch, and saving the whole Planet from The End. Then, she reveals that she's allowing someone to provide a song that the writer is going to perform during the concert, and it can either be a solo, a duet, or even a band, and she also reveals that she's performing three songs, and one of them involves a collab with Jagged Stone. After that, Mrs. Bustier gives the class an assignment based on the task that Clara said. Then, in response to this, Chloe declares that Marinette and Adrien should do a duet together, to which the others agree with.

(the next day, in Mrs. Bustier's class, the students are being shown a video from Clara Nightingale)

Clara Nightingale: *in the video* Hello, Paris! Today, I have some real buisiness! In a couple of days, I'm performing a concert in front of the Eiffel Tower. I'm doing so in honor of the victories of Ladybug and Cat Noir! But, that's all, I'm allowing one song that'll be performed from one or two of you all! In my new concert, I'm performing three songs which are fab! And one of them is also performed by Jagged Stone, because he and I are in a collab! Now remember, the songs that you're performing in my concert can be either solo, duet, or even a band! Just be sure to bring the song in, because there is a limited time, like and hourglass filled with sand. See you all later! *the video ends*

Mrs. Bustier: Well, that's the video, class. Now, for your assignment today, you're going to create a song that you'll perform for Clara's concert in a couple of days.

Alix: Wow! One of us is going to perform a song for Nightingale!

Luka: Yeah, and she did mention that we can either do a solo, duet, or a band.

Ivan: Of course she mentioned that. But, who's going to do a song?

Chloe: *gets and idea* Hey, I know who can perform! Now, which two people has pink and blue pants, black and white tops, and are in this classroom with us?

Juleka: *catches onto what Chloe's saying* Wait.... are you suggesting.....?

Marinette: *also catches on* Adrien and I performing a song together!?

Chloe: Yep, that's right, Marinette.

Kim: Hey, that's actually a good idea!

Max: Yeah, I like it!

Rose: Same here! *to Marinette and Adrien* You two lovebirds would make a great duet together!

Adrien: That really is a good idea.

Marinette: Yeah, I agree, but... I don't know what kind of song it can be about.

Mylene: Well, maybe it can be about your love for each other.

Mrs. Bustier: Mylene's right. Anything can be made into a song. And songs do have hidden meanings behind it.

Nino: You're right, Mrs. Bustier.

Alya: *to Marinette* And it's fine if you're nervous, Marinette, but as long as you've got us and your boyfriend, you'll be fine.

Marinette: Thanks, Alya.

Then, the school bell rang, meaning the school day's out. Then, Adrien offers Marinette to come over to his house so that the can work on a song together, to which Marinette says that it's fine with her. Then, Marinette calls her parents with her Neo Alliance Ring, and she tells them that she's going to Adrien's house to work on a school project, and Tom and Sabine are fine with Marinette going with her boyfriend. And in response, Adrien calls his father with his Neo Alliance Ring, and he informs him that he's bringing Marinette over for them to work on a school project together, and Gabriel happily allows it. And from there, Adrien and Marinette get to the latter's scooter, then they both ride over to the Agreste Mansion.

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