Felix's true plan

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Meanwhile, in the mansion basement, Gabriel is looking at the coffin that holds his comatose wife, Emilie, and he tells her that if she were standing in front of him, he would tell her that he's deeply sorry for not being the father that she wanted him to be for Adrien. And from there, he breaks down and starts crying again. Then, he declares that if does get defeated as Monarch, he'll ask Ladybug and Cat Noir to bring Emilie back.... at the cost of taking his own life as he looks at his Cataclysmed right arm as it continues spreading across his body. If not, he'll have to take him to justice, so that he'll face the judgement of his actions, and hopefully, have a chance to redeem himself.

(in the basement, Gabriel is looking at Emilie's coffin)

Gabriel: *saddened* Oh, Emilie..... I know that Adrien told you everything that I have done while he was in Cyber Space.... and ever since you ended up like this.... Emilie.... if you were standing in front of me right now, I know you would be mad at me. But, I'm sorry..... I'm sorry for not being the father you wanted me to be for our son... *a few tears gets in his eyes* You were right.... I.. *sniff* I was so obsessed with claiming the Miraculouses, that..... that I..... I turned myself into a monster.... *his body heaves, then he starts crying for a few moments, then clutches his left fist* Ladybug, Cat Noir, if you manage defeat me as Monarch, I ask that you can use the wish to bring my wife back.... *pulls back his right sleeve, revealing the worsened cataclysm* at the cost of taking my own life..... but if you refuse.... I shall surrender so that you may take me to justice. However, I only wish that.... that someday I may have a chance....... to redeem myself of all my actions.

Meanwhile, at the park, Adrien is currently sitting at one of the benches, and he is still mad at his father, and even a bit upset after unleashing all of his rage. Then, Marinette, Alya and Kagami, and even Chloe spot Adrien a bit down right now, then they walk up to him and ask him what's wrong, and from there, Adrien explained everything that happened earlier this morning after they came back from the Starfall Islands, and it shocked the four of them, and then Marinette comforts Adrien, while Chloe tells him that his father wouldnt've done this if he'd accepted his feelings.

(at the park, Adrien is currently sitting on a bench)

Adrien: *sighs in sadness*

Plagg: Adrien, you haven't been yourself since this morning! Please cheer up!

Adrien: How can I, Plagg? You know that I just unleashed all of that rage in front of my father.

Plagg: I know, but hopefully, Marinette and Tikki will come by, and you can tell them what happened, that way, they'll help cheer you up.

Adrien: I hope so.... buddy.

(in a distance, Marinette is talking with Alya, Kagami and Chloe, and even her Kwami, Tikki)

Marinette: So, what have you do when you got back home, Chloe?

Chloe: Oh, I did tell daddy about everything that happened, and he knows that Ladybug and Cat Noir saved the whole Earth from destruction. However, I did tell him that from now on, I'm going to try and be more nicer and loving, that way, I can be a much better person.

Alya: Great to hear that, Chloe.

Kagami: I must admit, you are really starting to become a different person. From a mean bully and selfish brat, to a kind and loving person.

Chloe: Thanks for saying that, Kagami. And as I did promise.... *stops, looks around, then gets closer as she whispers* I'm also not telling anyone else about Ladybug and Cat Noir's true identities.

Tikki: Right, and I'm glad that you didn't.... *spots Adrien* Hey, look.

Girls: *turns to spot Adrien sitting on the bench and looking at the ground*

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