A plan to expose Lila

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! Long time no see! Been a while since I last spoke with y'all. However, I'm giving you a quick update about this series, and this regarding chapter. If you've already read the title, you might be thinking "Oh wow! MegaBeast's finally included Lila!" Well, you'd be correct. To tell you guys the truth, I originally planned to have Lila in the previous story, but I decided not too, because the MLB fans know that she's a LIAR, and because I felt that she deserves to have her own story role in this MLB AU series. But I'm not revealing what that role is until the next story, but you can probably guess what that role is. Anyways, that's all for now. Toodle-loo! And enjoy the chapter!


The very next morning, in Marinette's room, the latter got woken up by her phone ringing as she got a call. And when she picked up her phone, and answered the call, to her surprise, Chloe was calling her! Then, Chloe informs Marinette that before the trip to the Starfall Islands, she had teamed up with Lila Rossi out her hatred against her, but now she wants to help Marinette expose Lila's true colors, at the cost of breaking her friendship with Lila, to which Marinette accepts. After that, Marinette gets dressed, gets breakfast, then leaves for school.

(the next morning)

Marinette: *sleeping, but then she's woken up by her phone ringing; groans then stretches*

Tikki: *also woken up by Marinette's phone ringing* Who could be calling you right now?

Marinette: *grogily* I don't know, Tikki. But I might as well answer it. *grabs her phone, then answers the person calling* Hello?

Chloe: *on the other side of the line* About time you answered your phone, Marinette.

Marinette: *eyes shot open* CHLOE?! Why are you calling me before I have to get ready for the school day?!

Chloe: *on the other side of the line* That's the thing, look, you do know that Lila is going to be in our classroom until the school year ends, right?

Marinette: Well, yes, and I've been trying to expose her as a liar, because if I keep failing, she's gonna turn my friends against me, even Adrien!

Chloe: *on the other side of the line* I'm aware of that. Mainly because, before our class went to the Starfall Islands, I teamed up with Lila, out of my hatred against you, to make your life misserable. But, now that I've changed, I'm willing to help you with exposing Lila's true colors in front of the whole school.

Marinette: *catches onto what Chloe's talking about* Wait, you're planning to betray Lila to help me reveal her true colors?

Chloe: *on the other side of the line* Exactly! But in return, I'm going to permanently end my friendship with her.

Marinette: *gets a smirk on her face* Chloe, you won't regret helping me with this.

Chloe: *on the other side of the line* I'm sure I won't. It'll be worth it. Anyways, I'll see you at school. *hangs up*

Tikki: Well, this is going to be good!

Marinette: Yeah, now I got extra support to expose Lila. But right now, I need to get dressed and get to school.

Tikki: Right.

(with that, Marinette gets down from her bed, then gets changed into her usual outfit, then grabs her school bags, while Tikki hides in her pouch, then she gets out of her room and after getting breakfast, she leaves the house)

-at the Agreste Mansion-

Meanwhile, at the Agreste Mansion, Adrien is having pancakes that are made my his mom, since Gabriel's are gross, and all the while, Nathalie is seeing that Gabriel is truly starting to redeem himself of his mistakes, and this made her happy. Then, after Adrien finished his pancakes, he goes off to his room to get his supplies and goes off to school. After Adrien leaves, Gabriel remembers that he still has to free the Kwamis that he still has imprisoned, as well as figure out how to restore the other Miraculouses back to what they were.

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