Gabriel's plan to counter Lila's revenge

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Shortly after Adrien got home, he informed his parents that Lila's been exposed as a liar by the teamwork of Marinette, Chloe and Sabrina, but she's officially vowed revenge on his girlfriend, and this made Adrien worried, along with his family. Then, Gabriel tells Adrien to finish his homework and get Marinette over at his house right away, while he calls the Tsurugis and Felix to come there. Once Adrien got to his room, Nathalie asks Gabriel why he's going to need Marinette at the mansion, to which Gabriel reveals that he'll explain once Tomoe, Kagami, and Felix come to the mansion.

Adrien: *calling out to his parents* Mom, Dad, I'm home!

Emilie: *seeing her son* Adrien! Welcome home! How was school today?

Adrien: It was pretty interesting.

Gabriel: How so?

(from there, Adrien explained what happened towards the end of the school day)

Adrien: *worried* .....And right before she got out of sight, she turned to Marinette, and vowed to get revenge on her. And now, I'm starting to becomed worried as to what Lila's going to do to my girlfriend! *he embraces his parents*

Emilie: *seeing how really worried Adrien is* Oh my....

Gabriel: Adrien, listen, nothing will happen to Marinette, as long as she has you, her friends, and her Kwami, and even us. However, based on your worriedness for your girlfriend, I fear that this situation will be more serious than we might think.

Nathalie: *hearing what Gabriel just said* So, what are you going to do about it, Gabriel?

Gabriel: *turns to Nathalie* I'm going to make sure that my son and his girlfriend are safe! *to Adrien* Adrien, finish your homework, then go get Marinette and bring her here immediately. While you do so, I'm going to call Tomoe, Kagami and Felix to come over.

Adrien: Okay. *goes to his room*

Nathalie: What exactly are you planning when Marinette comes over here?

Gabriel: I'm going to explain that once Tomoe, Kagami and Felix arrive here. Now, do me a favor, and call them. Now!

Nathalie: Very well. *goes to her room*

Emilie: *to Gabriel* Husband, are you becoming worried about Marinette's safety, as well as our son's?

Gabriel: Of course I am, Emilie. I almost lost him multiple times, like I lost you, but I won't risk letting my son and his girlfriend die at the hands of someone wanting revenge! We have to be ready for this!

Emilie: *seeing Gabriel's determination* Gabriel.... *determined* You're right! But what if Lila decides to conquer Paris?

Gabriel: If she does, then we'll also be ready for that, as well.

Nathalie: *walks towards Gabriel and Emilie* Gabriel, Tomoe and Kagami are on their way right now. While Felix informed me that he's with them, so he's also on his way.

Gabriel: *hearing this* Excelent! We'll need their help for this as well.

-in Adrien's room-

Meanwhile, with Adrien, he has just finished his homework, then Plagg noticed that Adrien's worried about Marinette. After a short conversation to cheer Adrien up a bit, the latter calls Marinette and he informs her that he's coming over by her house to pick her up and bring her to his place, and while Marinette was confused about it, Adrien reveals that Gabriel will explain once she's at his place.

Adrien: *just finished his homework, then he flops on his bed*

Plagg: *flies toward Adrien* Adrien, what's wrong? Why are you worried?

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