Showdown with Monarch

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The next day, it now afternoon, and the school day's done for the students, well, almost all the students, because Adrien, Marinette and their friends, including Su-Han, Fu, Felix and Mr. Damocles are standing on the right side of the Agreste Mansion gate, ready to execute their plan. Then, Adrien bravely stands in front to the gate, which then opens, while the others head to another part of the wall, and climb over it without getting spotted.

(at the Agreste Mansion, next to the gate, the resistance is standing there, ready to execute the plan)

Su-Han: Okay, this is it.

Marinette: Right. *to Adrien* Ready, Adrien?

Adrien: Yes. I've got the device. *holds up a device with a red button on it*

Mr. Damocles: Good. Now, remember, once you're in your room, push the button to send the signal.

Adrien: Got it.

Nino: Good luck, Adrien.

Chloe: You're definitely going to need it.

Adrien: Thanks, guys. *stands in front of the gate, which then opens*

Marc: *seeing this; whispers to the others* Okay... Let's go!

Everyone else: *whispering* Right! *they get to another part of the wall, then they climb over it and hide underneath one of the windows*

Rose: *whispering* So far, so good. Right?

Sabrina: *whispering* Yep. Now, we wait......

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Adrien is greeted by his father again, then he goes off to his room to do his homework. Then, once Adrien got to his room, Nathalie came in and asked Adrien if he's got a plan to defeat his father, to which Adrien reveals that he and his friends have it covered. And when he said that, he pulled out a signal device, and pressed a button on it, and sent a signal to everyone else outside.

(inside the mansion, Adrien walks into the door and sees his father)

Gabriel: Ah! Welcome back, Adrien. How was school?

Adrien: It was alright.

Gabriel: Okay. Now, please go do your homework.

Adrien: Yes, father. *leaves him, but with a smirk on his face*

-in Adrien's room-

Plagg: Well, the plan's working so far.

Adrien: Yep, got that right, Plagg.

(then, a knock is heard on the door, making Adrien worried that it could be his father)

Nathalie: Adrien? It's Nathalie. May I come in?

Adrien: *relieved* Yes, Nathalie.

(Nathalie comes in and closes the door behind her)

Nathalie: Adrien, I have to ask: do you and your friends have a plan to stop your father's madness?

Adrien: *with a smirk on his face* Actually... yes. *pulls out the device from his pocket, and pushes the button*

Outside, the group got the signal, then Marinette tells Chloe that it's her cue. So , she and Sabrina go to the front of mansion, where Chloe begins "ranting in rage", while Sabrina "tries" to calm her down, then, Gabriel senses this anger, then he heads into his lair, where he transforms into Monarch and prepares to send a Megakuma at Chloe. But, when the Megakuma got close to Chloe, Marinette (now transformed as Ladybug) captures the Megakuma, and Chloe calms down, then they all charge right at the front door, where Ladybug busts the door open. And at that point, Monarch realizes that it was a distraction, and from there, he prepares to obtain some of the Kwami's powers, then he teleports to the main lobby, only to discover Ladybug and the others standing front him, battle ready. Then, once Cat Noir shows up, everyone gets ready for battle.

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