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Glorfindel almost spit out his tea the moment Lord Elrond casually mentioned about Saruman coming to visit Rivendell.

Saruman being the White Wizard, while Gandalf being the Grey Wizard, were going to come together to Rivendell in order to attend the meeting about restoring the glory of the Fangorn Forest.

The Fangorn Forest that the past Saruman destroyed for the sake of building an army for Sauron. Even without Sauron's influence in the world, Fangorn Forest seemed to be dying; the Ents were now falling asleep, at the edge of forever lost in slumber.

The first time he stood eye to eye with Saruman again, the elf warrior with the golden hair thought that he had lost his damn mind, and that he was ready to pull his sword to behead the traitor. But he was glad he didn't act before a careful thought.

Whatever Mila did that fateful night after he took her place in her stead in the limbo, she managed to help rewrite the destiny of Arda and everyone in it. He didn't know how, but he knew that the blessing of vala was with her.

For example, Aragorn was never a ranger. He was born and bred a crown prince and became king. The fellowship was never established, thus Gandalf the Grey never died and never ascend as the White Wizard.

The current White Wizard, Saruman, though with much hate at first meeting again, Glorfindel realized, was never defiled by forces of darkness. He remained a wise and good hearted wizard-the one that even Gandalf looked up to for counsel.

The meeting took place at the courtyard of Rivendell, bathed in moonlight. As they were in the middle of discussing the fading life essence of Fangorn Forest, Glorfindel heard her coming.

He would always knew her footsteps anywhere just by hearing them, and every time he couldn't stop being thankful that his little friend was alive.

"Ah, Saruman. Gandalf. Let me introduce you to Mila, my guest," introduced Lord Elrond as Mila came with a beam, bearing a pot of tea in her hand.

"Hello," Mila smiled.

Glorfindel still couldn't believe his eyes; how sincere and light was Saruman's gaze as he greeted Mila, who was once a threat to his despicable plan. Despite the rewritten reality, Glorfindel's protective instinct for Mila remained. He watched both her and the White Wizard.

"Would you like some tea?" she offered.

"Ahh some tea would be great!" accepted Gandalf with cheery, old voice, thanking Mila. "Very kind lady!"

Glorfindel had a theory why he remembered everything while others didn't. Whatever grace that turned back the time of the world and affected the people in it, somehow didn't affect him, because he was trapped in a limbo, a void between life and death.

Mila beamed.

If only Mila knew who Saruman was and what evil he did to them-to her- a lifetime ago.

Despite the courteous smile on the mortal woman's face, there was tremor in her hand as she poured the tea on the cups. This didn't escape the elf warrior's watchful eyes, nor Saruman.

"Is everything alright, young lady?" asked the White Wizard.

Mila smiled and nodded, but Glorfindel noticed that it didn't reach her eyes. "Oh, don't worry. It's this juice fast I'm on," Mila said nonchalantly to Saruman, "Gives me the shakes. Please enjoy."

For a moment Glorfindel began to question the calm in her voice as he watched her walk away from the courtyard. Something didn't feel right. He tried to shake the feeling off but curiosity got the best of him. It would indeed perceived by others to be rude; but he had to excuse himself from the council meeting.

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