♬The best things in life are free

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August 9, 1993 2:36am

I've been staying up late lately, can't really shut my mind off. (I don't have this problem too much anymore, but sometimes I wake up at night and it's like 3:30am, I've slept for 4 maybe 5 hours already so I'll be wide awake. Then I'll sneak out of the bedroom and go watch movies or play a game til I get tired enough to fall back asleep.)

Today is Sunday. 

I stayed at Marie's house this weekend. On Friday we went to Zeke's party, he always has a good crowd. (Zeke actually turns out to be a boyfriend later, but not til my early twenties...then an ex-boyfriend!) It was tres tres cool. I met all these people, it was real fun. We got there around 7:30 and left around 11:00. There was an easy 75+ people there. Most from my school so yeah it wasn't that bad, meaning I didn't feel too uncomfortable and not know who the fuck to talk to. That's the only thing I don't like about parties, if I'm straight I can't hold conversations with people. It's hard staying sober at parties. (Hey, getting nervous in social situations is completely normal and common. I try not stress out about this too much now, but I am still no social butterfly. I like to stay home and enjoy all the bills I pay.)

Saturday we went to Marie's aunts house cause it was her brothers birthday. We went swimming, it was fun. We stayed home that night.

Today I was pumped to go out. I was all ready to go and by 8 o'clock I felt SO sick and I almost puked. So I made Marie go out without me. I stayed home and watched Mo' Money(throwback!) I'm tired so yeah.

Until Later

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