Chase:How will we do the ambush?

Matthew:I will do it, I'll use the same tranquilizer arrows I used last time when we were dealing with the kittens in Adventure City.

Tuck:What we need to find is their base.


Ryder:I have a tracker that I placed on Grace, so you and Ella shouldn't have a hard time finding the hideout.

Moby:But the one I'm worried about is Arthur, he is very manipulative.

Champ:Just don't let him get to your head.

???:Need some help?

They saw that Everest had arrived.

Marshall: Everest!

Ryder:I thought Rex would be here by now.

Everest:He called me to tell you that he might be a little late.

Matthew:Then let's get ready.

As the pups started to gear up, they noticed that Matthew, Champ, and Moby were gathered in a circle.

Chase:What are they doing?

Coral:Moby told me about this. It's a type of prayer for when a champion is about to go into battle.


As Matthew, Champ, and Moby were about to begin, Chase gently placed a paw on Matthew's back.

Chase:Were all in this together.

The pups gathered around.

Matthew:Champ, you take the lead.

Champ:Wow, you really put me on the spot here.

Each pup giggled as they began to close their eyes.

Champ:Dear Heavenly Father, we asked you for your wisdom, courage, love, strength, and hope in our time of crisis. We asked that you watch over us and guide us through this rough battle. And we asked that you watch over our friend, Grace, and help Tuck and Ella bring her home safely. Our lives are in your hands, we are your warriors, and we will keep your people safe from harm.

Champ:In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...


Champ:You're doing that next time, Matthew!

Chase: Let's head into town and so Matthew can plan out his ambush.

Tuck:Me and Ella will start making our way towards their hideout and will call you once we save Grace.

Tuck and Ella then got into their vehicles and took off. The pups made their way into the town as Matthew grappled onto the top of one of the buildings.

Matthew:I got a good vantage point.

Champ:(Over Puppad) Good, but if it gets too risky, call Skye to come pick you up.

Matthew:Got it.

Somewhere in a massive forest, Sweetie was walking through, seeing that Claw was tending to his dragon.


Claw turned to look at Sweetie.

Claw:Oh, hey Sweetie. What brings you here?

Sweetie:You haven't heard about what's going on in Adventure Bay?


Sweetie:Apparently, they're expecting to be an all out battle.

A Paw Patrol Story 9:The Battle For The Last Champion ChildWhere stories live. Discover now