Chapter 21

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CW: none

The door slammed and echoed throughout the hall. Dream flinched at the sound. "Ran-" turning, he started towards the door. Something grabbed his arm and turned him to his right. "Hey! What gives?!"

"Leave them be Dream. You've done enough." Beau hissed. Looking past her, Dream straightened at the sight of Crumb crying.


"Leave me alone." She muttered before Dream's attention was brought back to Beau.

"I hope you're happy, you prick." She walked to Crumb and walked her back to their rooms. Dream turned to Eret.

"I...I didn't mean..." Dream fails to speak as Eret interrupts him.

"Just...think over this. Sleep on it." Eret pats Dream's shoulder before walking away.

"Don't do anything irrational."

— — —

"The moon's calming, isn't it?" Will jumped at the voice and whipped his head around. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Ran laughed.

"Fuck you."

"Deserved, deserved." Ran stood behind Will's small stature. He was sitting on the floor, knees to his chest. Silence.

"What time is it?" Will muttered meekly.

"1:47, to be exact." Ranboo paused. "Are you ok?"


Ranboo stood behind him, silent. "May I sit?"


Will laughed slightly as he looked at them.

"What?" Ranboo smiled, slightly surprised.

"You look so weird. How do you fold your legs like that?"

"I don't know," he laughed, rolling his head back. "How do you sit criss-cross Mr-Tall-Man?"

"Mr-Tall-Man?!" Wilbur laughed, leaning forward.

"Wow," Ran exhaled, "YOU, out of everyone, is making fun of my word choices?"

"Shut up..." He chucked before slowing. Wilbur felt an arm wrap around his shoulders from a presence behind him and Ran. Ranboo scooted over as the figure scooted up, leaning on Will as she hugged him.

"Hey Niki..." he smiled.

"Hey." Ran got up on one knee, intending to leave them be before Niki's hand ran through his hair. "You two ok?"

"...mhm." The two hummed.

"Well, even though we're in a tough spot right now, it's not either of your guys' faults, ok?"

A beat passed them, whistling through the trees and between strands of hair and loose clothes.


"Ok." Ranboo spoke softly as they sunk into Niki.

"Yeah...ok." Will leaned his head on Niki's shoulder.

"I care about you two."

"I know." Ranboo smirked. Will thought he could see a tear slip down his cheek. Niki could feel Wilbur nod in agreement.

"We care about you too."

— — —

"Where's Enderblade?!?" Dream paced.

"Hey, calm down. It's probably fine-"

"It's his time to be with Tubbo. It's his FIRST physical therapy shesh!"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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