chapter one hundred and nine

Start from the beginning

"Uh, okay then."

Johnny gets up and hands his paper to Jungwoo. Jungwoo quickly reads it and then folds it back up.

"I don't like anyone."

He hands his paper to Kun who reads the paper and then turns to Jungwoo, expression showing betrayal. "Really?"

Jungwoo shrugs. "I'm curious."

"Damn you", Kun mutters, which Jungwoo hears and gently smacks him for. "Someone in this room was my, like, queer awakening and now I'm very uncomfortable, thank you."

"At least tell us who it was!"

"Absolutely not."

"Does he know it's him?"

"Right now, maybe."

Ten groans dramatically. "Kunnie, you're boring!"


Kun double-checks his paper and then gets up and brings it over to Haechan who reads it and then looks up at him. "Really?"

Kun smiles. "You should be thanking me."

"Thank you!"

"What is it?" Jeno asks.

"You'll see right now. I love you."

"I love you too bu-" Haechan brings Jeno into a tender kiss, keeping it chaste but full of passion. He brings his hands up to hold Jenos face and gently rubs his thumbs against the males cheeks, keeping their mouths together. Even as the kiss slows down, the two don't part part from each other.

Haechan presses another kiss to Jenos lips before pulling away and smiling. "I love you so much."

"Look at Jeno", Doyoung laughs, focusing on how his friend looks dazed.

"Was a good kiss", Jeno mumbles, adorably, causing his boyfriends, Chenle, and Doyoung to coo.

Haechna turns to Mark and smiles at him. "Bubs, I love you."

"I love you too."

Haechan kisses him the same way he kisses Jeno and then does the same thing to Jaemin.

"Done!" He announces happily as his boyfriends cuddle him.

"Your request was to kiss them?" Jaehyun asks.

"It was a specific type of kiss but yeah. Oh, Xiaojun, here." Haechan says, getting up to hand a paper to him.

Xiaojun reads it and feels relief take over him. "Haechan, I love you. And I love whoever wrote this."

"What is it?"

Xiaojun brings his boyfriend into his arms, making the male blush.

"Ten, take pictures!" Chenle shouts.

"On it!"

"Lovely friends you got there."

Kun nods. "Really love them."

Xiaojun smiles and leans in to kiss his nose. "I really love you. You make me the happiest and I feel so much better when you're with me. I love the way you make me feel and I think you deserve everything. I don't care what it takes, I'm always gonna wanna be yours and love you and take care of you. You're my angel and I want you to be forever."

"I love you too", Kun says, avoiding Xiaojuns gaze.

Xiaojun chuckles and brings his chin up to kiss him, grinning against Kuns lips.

"Wedding bells, wedding bells", Shotaro sings in the tone of "Silver Bells".

"Whatever. Taro, here."

Shotaro unfolds the paper and for once, his relaxed demeanor breaks.

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