Chapter 2 - What to do with my life

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After a small mental crisis I have decided that my current situation isn't that bad.

I have food, Parents, love, and a new medieval world to live in.

Right yeah a new world, at first I thought I was going crazy but after living as a baby for the last year I can confirm that I am not going insane.

It could be worse I could have been reincarnated into a post-apocalyptic world. I mean I might never have a good shower or be able to eat fast food.... Or pizza............. Ok I'm in hell.

But hey at least I'm alive and not a burnt corpse on the ground. Thank god, not that I believe in him or anything.

Everything was going as good as living as a baby in a medieval village could go until my Mom invited some friends over.

"My little baby Michelle is so cute isn't she!!"

Ah yeah my new name is Michelle, not bad all things considered.

"Does my little baby want to see a magic trick?" My Mom asks as she points to some of her weirdly armed friends.

I just nod and make an odd gurgling sound. Then a flash.

Fire is in the man's hand. Fire. Hand, magic.....

Brain.exe has stopped working


My eyes go wide and I trash about in my mothers arms.


He just made fire out of thin air, what the hell?!

Is that actual magic!?!?

That's.... That's ...... So cool!!!!!

I try my best to make happy sounds while pointing at the fire.

"Awwww isn't she just the most cute little thing!!" My mother says exuberantly while the man and few other who came with him share a few laughs.

My mind returns to the fire..... fire. A new intrusive thought pops into my brain. Of my death, of my burnt malformed hand of my.......death.

I suddenly flinch away from the flame.

"Huh? Whats wrong baby?" Mother questions as the others grow quiet seeing the scared expression on my young face.

"Is she afraid of fire?" One to the side of the group questions. " How would she even know what the flame is, it's her first time seeing fire magic after all" another states.

Finally the original one who made the flame and the one who I assumed to be the leader spoke up. "She must have good instincts to be afraid of a fire spell. Maybe we have a little genius right here"

The group laughs again. "As if! Molly here never awakened her core, I doubt her kid will either"

Molly huh, is that my mothers name?

Wait. Core, magic....... No I refuse to believe what I'm thinking.

"I might not have awakened but my little baby Mic will definitely grow up into one of the strongest adventurers in Dicathen!!"

Fuck, I really am here. Also 'Mic' is definitely a new nickname for me, Mother usually just calls me her baby or my full name of Michelle.

Hmmmm, if I'm in tbate what should I do?
Try and save everyone? No I don't want to do that I just got a new life with new people why would I abandon them for someone I only read about.

Now that I think about I've never seen or heard about my dad, and I'm not sure what my mom does for a job either.

Time to think

—Time skip sponsored by aether—

The people have left and it's been a few hours.

I now kinda have a plan. I may not be a literal god like little boy Arthur but still have a good advantage over everyone else.

So here is my plan to not die a horrible second death. I will try and awaken early and grow strong as fast as possible while trying my best to stay away from the main characters.

Why would I do that you ask? Well Arthur is just an absolute trouble magnet and I like being alive so going near him who'll probably get me into some kind of trouble.

I mean he's the main character he could solve most of the problems in the world by himself, I just gotta make to survive the collateral damage.

How hard could that be?

My stomach growls " Is my little angel hungry?"

First I have to survive childhood again ugh.


God is dead and I hold the murder weapon.

It's a spork

Ya know I'm not really sure where I'm going with this story I'm just kinda making it up as I go

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