Chapter 52

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A/n: I lied, there's one more chapter after this and then epilogue:)


1 year later

Audrina had developed a routine. Before heading to work to meet with her clients, she would stop by the local café to grave her usual order.

She was waiting for it to be ready scrolling on her phone as her hair, the defined curls masking part of her face.

  She lifted her face for a brief moment, checking to make sure that her order wasn't called without her knowledge. There was a guy waiting next to her for his order and she didn't pay him any mind. Until he started talking.

"Is it usually this busy?"

Grabbing her attention, she turned her purple eyes to him. He was her height, light brown eyes, his black hair pulled back into a half up half down style.

She gave a small smile, "Not really.", and was ready to go back to her phone.

"Guess it's not my day.", he grabbed her full attention, "Woke up late too."

"And decided to stop by here still", she huffed, her smile still spread across her face. The man chuckled pulling up his sleeve to check his watch. She noted he was dressed in a suit and tie, she only figured he was working in a business building in the near by area.

Not breaking his gaze he ended up shrugging, "Perks of being a boss."

  After saying that, she chuckled, right as her drink was called. She retrieved it, and  was about to leave until the man called out to her. He didn't have a name, but she only looked back as reflex to see him coming up behind her with his drink as-well. Holding it in one hand, he outstretched the other, "Uhh, my name's Ezra.", he gave a nervous smile, "Forgot to introduce myself."

Audrina eyed between his hand and the slight nervous look on his face. To play on, she too reached out her hand, "Audrina. Nice to meet you."

  She didn't expect that the introduction would lead to their paths being the same to the street in which their buildings were. Her stop was first, and though the conversation was primarily driven by him, she still found him to be sweet.

  She told him a farewell, but was stopped as he called her again, this time by her name.

"So do defense attorneys work weekends?"

She scrunched her eyebrows, "Depends?"

Ezra smiled raising a questioning eyebrow, "How about this weekend."

Audrina pulled her lips in, not bothering to answer and instead just shook her head. She was confused on where this was going but, she should of known.

  "Cool.", he nodded, "Well you know it was really great talking to you. I was wondering if you'd be up to meeting this weekend. You seem interesting."

Her mouth dropped, out of surprise. Now feeling bad. Tucking a strand of curls away from her face, she lowered her smile, till it was apologetic. "Oh....", she looked around awkwardly, "I actually-."

Ezra caught on to her body movements and her change of attitude, "Shit.... I'm sorry."

"No", she waved her open hand, "It's ok you didn't know."

She watched as Ezra walked off. And just the thought of having to go through the conversation again, restating the same phrase that she was with someone had her frown just slightly.

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