Chapter 39

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   "What's wrong?", Hatori say in his desk chair. settled on the the black couch opposite of him. She sat at the ledge, discomfort all on her features. Hatori tilted his head at that, watching her leg twitch up and down.

"I just realized yesterday that...", she took a deep breath., "when you apologized, there was a few things I forgot to apologize for. Not just to you...... to everyone. And I feel I need to do it now."

Hatori was even more confused when she spoke. The case scenario was strange, from the way she was speaking to her statement. Before he could think any further he wanted to address something, "Apologize? You've done nothing wrong."

"I left.", she shook her head, "This whole time, since I've returned, I've been focusing on the kids when they aren't the only ones I left here. You, Kureno, Shigure. I doesn't matter we are the same age, I left you and continued to ignore your calls when all you wanted to do was help when I was feeling depressed an-."

"Where is this coming from." He raised a hand slowing her down. But she was persistent.

"Listen", she pleaded, " I wasn't there for you when you were  making tough decisions in your own life. It wasn't fair to you and I'm sorry."

Hatori let the silence follow. He was confused nonetheless by her apology. It wasn't as if she was foreign to the word, it's more along the lines of her timing. There was something urgent about her need to get her point across and that was what made the silence go longer. His mind was running through every possibility till it landed on one.

"Where's all this coming from Audri? And why now?", he spoke, still soft with his words.

"I had a lot of time to think last night.", she stood, looking towards his door. There was sorrow in her eyes that he was able to recognize. It's been months since he's seen that look. Years since that look meant more than just emotion. It was related to actions aswell.

Audrina never told anyone she left. The only ones that knew the day she left was Shigure and Akito. But the prior days, that same sorrow took over her features.

"You didn't sleep?"

"Nothing knew", she flicked a wrist and started out the door. And for the first time, ignored his calls following her. She didn't want to explain herself. Because she's been good with keeping it in. Holding on to her silence.

There was more she had to talk to. And she wasn't surprised that he happen to be walking her direction. They always were together.

"Audri!?", he spread his arms out, "What a lovely—- ouch."

She groaned and pulled his ear until they were in one of the close rooms. After making sure that no one was there, she turned to him who was too close, forcing herself a step back.

And she didn't have a second, after opening her mouth till he spoke.

"You really took the job huh?", he lifted his head, hand on his chin, "I assumed we had more time."

"Wh-.", her eyes widened.

"I was hoping you'd stay with us, for just a little longer. Or me rather."

She was still shocked by his initial statement that it went over her head the next that fell out of his mouth. When the silence drew on longer than he was hoping for, Shigure finally took to looking at her. The room was highlighted by the rays of the sun lowering on the horizon.

Evening came quicker than she expected. Even if she had time, at the same time, she didn't. There was no time to make up for all that she missed.

"How did you know?", she spoke finally.

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