Chapter 9

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   Kyo walked off and Audrina watched as the two left the house. After hearing the click on the door she pulled her lips in, "So Tohru?"

    The girl turned with enthusiasm awaiting a one on one with someone she was already starting to look up to. The way Audrina carried herself with confidence and sort of authority, was something Tohru inspired to be. Someone independent and able to hold their own.

   Audrina on the other hand was trying to come up with something. She didn't plan this far ahead so she was going off on a whim, "You liking the vacation so far?"

   She had walked to the kitchen in preparation to make some tea. Tohru followed. "Yes! It's lovely I'm really thankful that Momoji invited me."

    "Yea he's really sweet. Never misses the opportunity to bring people together. Would you like a cup?", Audrina point to the kettle. Tohru nodded her head silently. Not knowing how to respond to her earlier statement. Tohru was just as curious of her disappearance than any on the younger Sohmas.

Although she felt it inappropriate to directly ask, she did come up with an alternate question.

  "What about Kisa and Hiro. We're they as you expected?"

   Audrina paused for.a second. Subtle enough to resist Tohru from feeling uncomfortable asking. She continued pouring the steaming water into two cups placed by the side of the table. "No I was expecting a tiger and a ram. Not a cub and lamb.", she joked. Earning a giggle from the girl.

  Audrina's lips turned up from the sound of her laugh. "They.....are exactly as I expected. I'm sure you are aware of the story told Zodiac gathering."

As she handed the cup to Tohru, she ventured to the couch where she curled up on one side leaning herself against the chair. She placed her elbow and steaming cup in her hand on the rest.

  Tohru mimicked her actions and did the same on the opposing end. "Yes and how to owl is the protector."

    Audrina nodded, "Yes well, is more complex in the sense, I can........... hear them. Not their voices in particular, more on the ends of constant worries fill my head. So, yes I've known about Kisa moment of going mute. And Hiros attitude sends ringing bells in my ears so I automatically connected them with their personality. It's expected."

  "Wow that's so cool!", she beamed.

"It's definelty..... something"

   Something on the ends of exhausting. But she wasn't going to go into details about it.

  "So how are the boys treating you. Well, I hope"

Tohru nodded, "Yes! They are all very kind. Shigure allowing me to stay in his home was one of the best things that happened to me. I'm very grateful."

Audrina hummed, grateful to know she was liking her residence at the Sohma household. But it also lead to the lingering feeling of something being off. She watched as Tohru took another sip of her tea only to continue pondering on Shigure's reasoning behind all of it. She had a small idea her role in his scheme but she thought it ended at Kureno and Akito. To think it spread out beyond them is what is driving her to confusion. She was too busy thinking about the outcomes that Shigure's tricky mind was playing but Tohru interrupted.

"Yuki was actually excited that you returned. All of them were but he especially. He said it's been a while", Tohru tried her best to not sound as if she was digging, but that's exactly what she was doing. Audri knew. Years of working with people who lie to try and earn more money when winning a case, she has become a type of identify it immediately.

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