Chapter 51

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Long chapter :)

You're the last one

  Audrina jolted from her sleep. She blinked in the darkness not understanding what woke her up. Kieran laid next to her, hardly disturbed by her sudden movements. The air conditioning was running on full, the air in the room cold.

But Audrina felt hot. As if she was running a fever. Despite so, she was perfectly fine. Not drowsy, no other symptoms that would indicate she was sick except the heat coursing through her body.

Hypothetically , what would you do if your curse broke.

Amrin had once asked her that. She didn't have an answer. She was scared to think of the possibility.

Of the emptiness that would consume her.

Thank you.

But maybe if she did. If she took the moment to ponder on such a rare possibility. She would of been prepared. Prepared, for the final silence in her head. Nothing attaching her to anyone.

Or the feeling that her body. Her movements. Everything about her as a person, she was in control.

Maybe she would of been prepared for the tears. The drops that ran down her cheek, cooling them along their path as they reached her chin, falling onto the sheets.

  The shaking hands, her trying to control her breathing.


With those same shaky hands, Audrina mindlessly, pulled the covers back. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

It was early morning before the sun rose. So when she had stayed in there for couple of hours. She felt her dizziness subside, but that didn't take away what just happened. It took her so long to realize it was true.

That it wasn't fake.

But the clear thoughts. Her own not being bombarded with others or the concern for other. She was worried about herself. And to say it was an emotional experience, was something she couldn't describe.

As she looked in the mirror, she looked the same. Her eyes were still dark purple, her hair streaked with those same mauve strands.

Nothings changed. But at the same time, everything has changed.

It was a moment of sitting on the bathroom floor when she felt more hopeless than any other moment in her life.

She pulled out her phone, and dialed a number.

She knew no matter, he'd see her name on the phone and answer.

"Audri, dear what a lovely and unexpected call!"

Ayame was loud on the other end. But Audrina didn't mind. She felt numb. And despite her mind being clear, she didn't know how to handle it. So she said what she was thinking.

  "What did you do when your curse broke?", she spoke. "Like immediately do?"

There  wasn't any hesitation to his answer. She called him because she knew he wasn't shy about anything, "Why hugged my Miné of course."

That got her even more fidgety. She wiped some of the sweat that was starting to form on her palms just from the thought. When's the last time she hugged someone as important to her as Kieran. It was such an easy gesture that she was starting to overthink. Completely out of her nature.

Escape [Fruits Basket OC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin