Chapter 5

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She sat in Hatori's office, him standing over her looking at her wounds. There was nothing more than a slightly swollen face and to that he gave her a pack of ice. She placed it aside her face feeling the reaction lead to that ice melting. Her head was kept down the entire time and not once has she looked up to Hatori. He tried initiating conversation with a couple of 'did you need to provoke her' and 'does it hurt anywhere else'. He only got responded with a subtle nod or anything equivalent.

But time passed by with Audrina twirling in her chair while Hatori opted out with finishing any work. The picture on his desk had her eyes glued but she didn't bother mentioning it or bringing it up for that manner.

Instead she got up and stretched. The ice had completely melted and she was starting to get hungry. In her head the best way she was going to spend the rest of her day was drowning in junk food and alcohol. Heading towards the door, she didn't want to but it was crucial for her to say her farewell.

But Hatori wasn't going to let her go, "Your not leaving, sit", he instructed. He didn't want to go to this extent and request her to do anything..... because he knew she would do it.

She sighed and walked back to the chair, sitting down with some force. Moments later the door she was about the exit, Shigure opened the door. He walked in, arms folded in his kimono and stared straight at Audri with a smile. Like nothing happened at all he opened his arms....

"Audri! All this time and I still haven't received a hug", he stepped up directly in front of her. She stared up at him with a inexpressive face that he didn't have to decipher to know she didn't want to. But she got up and wrapped her arms around him. Hatori stood to the side ignoring his outburst but listening to Shigure, testing a fact that Hatori had just proven......

she still will do whatever will make them happy.

The hug ended and she sat back down. There was no denying that he was warm and she was wondering around in a loose shirt and shorts.

Goosebumps formed on her skin and a slight shiver coursed through her body. What she craved was the outside sun that she looked out to, waiting for their go.

"Loss of words I see", Shigure walked to Hatori and and leaned his back against his desk. "Ahhh what to do, our precious Audri has gone mute and there is still yet to catch up on..... Doc how should we celebrate her return."

Hatori looked back to her and saw Audri mindlessly staring outside, she wasn't leaving he knew as she got up and stepped out into the sun.

Her skin glowed; The streaks of purple in her hair stuck out more when the light refracted from it. Her semi-sharp jawline became more prominent the further she glanced up.

The birds..... they just fly around wherever that believe their destined to be. No time limit, no rope bounding them to any pole. They don't have to worry about anything outside of their own desire. Love who they want, go anyplace they want, just be. That's what Audri got lost into, the birds.

Up until she heard Shigure going on about a vacation house that most of the Zodiacs will be staying at as the summer approaches.

"Now I won't be able to make it out there at first but, she can converse with Kisa and Hiro, they've been asking about her for the longest."

And to that she stepped in, both of there eyes glanced to her, "Why are you doing this......."

"Whatever do you mean", he sweat dropped once she got close enough and grabbed the top portion of his kimono.

"I mean why are you and everyone dragging me back in this hell hole. I have little time left.", she fought the tears that started to well up in her eyes. Shigure looked to her with dismay. It was rare to see her show as much emotion as she me been doing.

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