Chapter 34

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"The occasion?", Kieran hummed as he leaned against the counter. It was later the same night, when he walked in.

Audrina tilted her head back as she assorted through her cabinets above the stove tops. "I wanted to fix you dinner."

He couldn't help the smile that spread on his face. For more reasons than one. "You feel bad for not wanting to meet my mom don't you?"

"What? No", her voice grew quiet. Making him sit up and round the counter till he leaned back on the oven, she avoided eye contact continuing to the fridge to pull out what she needed. Still feeling his teasing expression watching her every move, she placed a stick of butter in the counter top next to the stove. "I can't want to do something for you?"

"Never said that", he bent down to meet her face, she side eyed him, "I was just .... curious as you would say."

Audrina pushed his face away, and kept her hand around his mouth as she stared into his eyes. The honey swirl reflective against the kitchen light. She did feel bad, but there was no way she'd admit it when he already guessed it. He gazed back at her, no need to talk for his eyes said everything; matching the smirk she still felt permanent on his face. "Are you hungry?"

His eyebrow raised, still keeping the eye contact. It was a second before slowly he nodded.

"There's your reason", she removed her hand, and placed both on his shoulders. She pushed him back to the stool on the other side of the counter, him just allowing it, "Now don't distract me."

"Ok", he scoffed. His eyes never leaving her as she walked back around. Audrina ignored his clear admiring gaze as she started.

Half-way through, she turned and stretched her arm across the counter, a spoon encased in her grip. "Here"

Kieran glanced up from his laptop, and took the spoon to try it; after his nod of approval, Audrina turned back around to finish.

"Hey, where is the document about the-."

"Rile's case.... I sent it to you yesterday"

"I don't see it", Kieran mumbled, Audrina turned with  another spoonful in her hand as she rounded the corner. Approaching his side, she directed the spoon to him, which he didn't bother to grip it himself and instead tasted from her hand, as she leaned over and scrolled through his emails.

"It'd help by checking through yesterday's date", she immediately found it and clicked on the link. But when she turned to look at him, their faces in close proximity, she knew, "You knew that."

  He smiled not bothering to hide the glance to her lips as he softly gripped her chin and gave her a quick yet sensual kiss. Audrina only melted into it. Feeling his smile through it.

"I did.", he finished.

"You're more trouble than I initially thought", she closed his laptop. "I told you not to distract me."

"Tastes done to me", he lifted the spoon between them.

When Audrina finally finished, they both took to sitting on the couch, watching a movie. It was almost midnight by the time they were through talking and decided to call it.

Kieran was washing the dishes while Audrina was on her laptop. "How many siblings do you have?"

"5", Kieran responded.

"Oh wow", Audrina was taken by surprise, "Were they all there when you visited?"

He turned off the sink having done with the final, dirty dish and turned to lean across the counter. "All but the oldest; she couldn't get out of work today."

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