Chapter 5 [hiatus cont.]

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Cover by MuniWilliams I'm greatly thankful for this master piece and the others! Yall can check her other book covers too (they're beautiful)!

Note: I have written this during hiatus, meaning that I was bored af and couldn't care less about reading anymore. I know I'm not worthy of being called the Crowner or my mother's child, but... this is what I thrive for. I live with my imaginations and I look forward to enhancing them.

I do think I'm ruining my future money-making chances, but my unnatural intelligence can get me above average at least.
Two weeks later

Rosa's POV

Tati doesn't know that I have been present while Marco questioned Eduardo and whatever his son's name was.

What Spainard in their right mind would name their kid 'Harold' if that what his name is.

"What's your name?" I asked, eating the slice of apple I just peeled and cut.

"H-H-Harry." He trembled.

Harry... that's even worse than Harold.

"Tell me, Eduardo, did you keep your marriage a secret?" I chomped on the apple.

"N-No. Only--" He coughed, "Only a few people knew."

"Did you lose your phone after going on your little 'vacation' ?"

"I-I did."

I hummed.

I didn't think my mind was in the right state because all I could think of for the last few days was killing and bloodshed.

I sighed and looked down at the beaten up young man.

"Peccato vedere una tale bellezza ferita..." I looked at his father, "e anche quei cervelli."

[Pity seeing such beauty to be bruised. And those brains, too.]

"I'm curious now. Where did you meet a beautiful woman, huh?" I sat back in the swivel chair and turned around a 360°.

"Look at that guy!" I pointed my fingers at him, "He looks like a crafted piece of artwork!" I scoffed, "You always looked like you had bird poop on your head."

Both had no response to my blabbers. Ofcourse... I would have their heads bashed if they did.

"Cat, got your tongue?" I snickered and picked up another apple slice.

"I met his mother--"

"She wasn't your wife?" I bit the slice of apple.

"No-- I met her when I was sent as a spy to the rival Spanish mafia. She was one of the victims of--"

"Women trafficking!?" I laughed this time, "So she fell in love with her knight in shining armour!?" I laughed again.

"Continue, continue." I chewed down the fruit.

"While we sheltered the women in our bases, a few of them agreed to join, and she was one of them." I could see something on his face.

This bastard is capable of loving someone, too!?

"I warned all of them of how every mafia was bad regardless of whatever good deeds they do. She was with me as a spy." He sighed, trembling.

"Go on. It got interesting."

"She was raped on one of the missions as a rookie spy. She asked me to--" He stuttered, "She asked me to 'remove that feeling' by rewriting it again, exactly how she imagined it would be."

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