Chapter 6

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I didn't want to admit it-- but was my secretary hot as hell? Oh my, yes, he was.

But it wasn't him. It couldn't be.

The resemblance though


The next morning, he had changed his semi-formal style to a complete formalone with no blazer to hide his broad chiselled back.

"I want it." I mumbled without thinking.

"What, ma'am?" The receptionist asked.

"The client details!" I recovered.

I sighed walking to the elevator, "It's too early for this. It's not him." I rubbed my temples and walked to my office.

And there he was. There with his amazing body--

"Oh! I wanted to repeat the schedule because there were some changes."

I hummed and got in with him behind me.

My sociopathy is showing out.

I sighed as I sat and placed myself in the swivel chair. I closed my eyes and he mentioned the changes to the schedule.

"That's all. " He finished and started walking.

"No!-- the board meeting!" He turned around to face me.

"It'll be a Thursday thing." I waved my hand.

I, clearly, wasn't feeling well.

Why does it have to be this time of the month?

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

Don't be like him.

"Vattene a fanculo." I mumbled.

[Just fuck off.]


"Uscire!" I yelled.

[Get out!]

"I-I don't understand--" He stuttered stepping forward.

I got up and was about to grab his collar when I stumbled myself, because of the stilettos and because of the unbearable pain.

He caught me by the waist.

"Santo cielo, sto impazzendo." I muttered as I caught his tie, slightly loosening it.

[Good heavens, I'm going crazy.]

It isn't him!

"Men in tight clothes." He whispered.

I felt heat up on my face and head.

"Let go of me." I said-- my face almost giving away my embarrassment.

Don't play into it.

"I can't let go thrice." He held me tighter and closer.

Oh no.

"Niccolo Luciano." He whispered, "Doesn't ring any bells, my devil?"

My eyes went wide and my face must have been red because Oh God no!

This is the fresho who proposed to a junior!!

I screamed and we hugged.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but I couldn't get my eyes off you."

"Bastardo!" I tried pushing him, "Let me go, you--"

"No man is handsome except me."


"Pledge it. I can't trust you."

"Alright, no man is handsome except you." I said and he let go, "Except they're hot when they wear tight clothes." I ran around my desk but my uterus had other thoughts, punching me fromthe inside out.

"Hey!" He said coming to me, "Are you seriously okay, though?"

"Yes. It's that time." I groaned bending.

I couldn't believe it. My crush from college-- who had asked me out for a date but I rejected explaining why.

And one of the reasons I liked him-- he was supportive even though he didn't know how to care for someone.

We were best of friends regardless before I graduated, that is.

I was busy building an entire corporate alone as soon as I could and he went abroad after his graduation.

We took seats and I sighed looking at him, "I can't believe that it's you."

"I can't believe it's you either." He put his band on the table and looked at me dreamily.

"Stop that."


"The thing with your eyes."

He blinked twice, "You tell me things I could have no clue about." He mumbled.

"No-- Wait!-- Let go of me thrice?"

"Once in college and second at that party when they celebrated you for being in the top 50 business icons." He stated in a matter of factly tone.

"Right-- we met," I gasped dramatically, "You were the nice, hot guy who abruptly asked me for a drink and then called my driver in the end!"

"Sure." He smiled.

How I missed seeing that smile-- but why isit that we always meet atthe wrong times?

"My childhood hero! I beg thy pardon, but alas!" He fell on the desk dramatically, "We both have work to do!" He whined.

"Still the lazy bum." I said sadly, "I fret, my die-hard fan for I can not accept to goeth-out with thou again!"

He sprang up, "Oh no."

"Oh yes. I'm still a caring sister and besides, I have a few things to take care of." I said, staring at his bady-- now more shamelessly after knowing it was the Niccolo.

"Still the shameless ogler." He said standing and walking over to my chair, making the chair move and me, to face him.

"You promised me," he said looking at me, "that I'll be your first everything."

"You promised me," I said looking at him, "that you'll make sure that happened."

We both sighed and then laughed.

"It's alright." He said sadly, "I've waited for long. I'll wait longer."

He walked away but I stopped him in the tracks with my next question, "I had asked you to find a better girl than me. Did you not date?"

"How could I when I had tasted something so sweet and spicy that others seemed bland in comparison." He laughed and closed the door behind him.

My life was better than it was and it was getting even better.


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