Chapter- 1

16 3 11

3rd Person POV:
"Come on! There is no way I'm hearing that!" A girl shrieked.

The other figure sighed in her seat. She cared not to reply.

The scene was of an office. The only colours visible were different shades of grey and a tint of peach with golden details.

"And now you're ignoring me." The girl sighed.

"I'm not!" She yelled back, "And get your ass out of here before I kick you out!"

"Sheesh, Sorella." She stood up and picked up the coffee mug on the table.


"You are attending the party! No buts!"

"Tatiana Cardello!" She yelled as her younger sister walked herself out.

She sighed for the millionth time. A small grin made its way onto her lips, happy to see her sister living the way she wanted.

It's been 7 years since yet to her, the pain seems unrealistically new every time she remembers the dead faces of her parents and how she could not lament in front of anyone.

Tati recovered just fine but is not allowed to do extreme sports for life because of her leg.

She didn't want to live a life of sadness and chose to live the way she wanted to earlier and now she's an upcoming actress and modal.

Rosa's POV

I started thinking about what to gift her on her birthday but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Questo stronzo..." I muttered before telling them to come in.

"I-I'm sorry, I had to stop by a few places and the traffic couldn't get any busier and--" The man spoke.

"Did you do what I asked?" I stood up from the chair and sat on the sofa with the file in my hands.

"I tried to tell them that their manufacturing prices were too high but they--"

"You failed to assert your fact, and considering previous experiences, you must've heard quite the slurs."

"I-I I'm sorry."

"It's okay." The guy's eyes lit up, but not in my watch, "Take your belongings from the office and report back to take your resignation."

"What!?" The man in his mid-20s seemed to have aged double as he seemed pale with horror.

"T-this is unfair ma'am!" He decided to raise his voice but regretted it immediately.

"Would you like to be blacklisted then!?" I yelled back.

He seemed too much of a coward to take on this job and I was tired of giving chances.

"This is the third time you've done this," I looked at him, "Besides, I'm paying for what I would when I fire, somebody, somebody and I'm handing you a resignation instead."

I stood up and walked to him. Though his frame seemed taller than mine, he seemed to be smaller than me.

He stood there dumbstruck and I put a hand on his shoulder, "The reason for your resignation is written as 'Difficulties adjusting to workplace'."

I walked out and headed to the washrooms to wash my mind off the murderous thoughts.

How could anybody be so incompetent? He's been working for a month already and doesn't know how to assert a negotiation? seriamente?


"You coming to the party?" I heard a voice in one of the stalls.

"How come? You know that devil of a woman isn't coming. But her sister is! What's her name?"

She paused for an answer, "Tatiana! Yes! I swear these Italian names will be the death of me."

"We'll make her drink a little and make her talk about our 'lady-Hitler'." She laughed.

I think going to the party unannounced would be a surprise for Tati and a few employees...

The day went by as I juggled through my tasks for the day.

Not having an assistant was good and bad at the same time.

I called the human resources department to put up an assistant for me soon.

The company I had started from scratch seemed to be soaring because of well... me and Eduardo's advices.

Eduardo never actually came back after leaving. I contacted him that day but he refused to meet for some reason. I decided to give him his privacy for all the hard work he did for the Cardellos.

But it seemed like he wanted to renounce his job for a long time.

I kept my thoughts aside and decided to be productive once more.

I made a few changes in the fonts because there was no way I could express her current thoughts and descriptive actions separately.

So italics are her present thoughts and otherwise its just her describing things.

Their Concealed Love (Ongoing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن