Chapter 9

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Note: Depictions of panic attack.

Rosa's POV

"He keeps calling me 'Rose' out of habit." I mumbled.

"Who?" Tati asked.

We were eating at the dining table while some light music played in the background.

"It feels weird to call him that." I said avoiding the original question.

"Who? What? I'm lost." She sipped on some water.

"My... boyfriend?" I said in a question, feeling all jittery just addressing him that.

Tati spit the water she was drinking to the side.

"Excuse me, what!? Who is it?" She wiped her mouth.

"Niccolo Luciano," I shrugged, "My secretary."

"Wait," She stopped eating, "The new guy? He was appointed when we took a leave and today was your second day working with him, right?"


She was sputtering, "I-I what? WHAT? You met him a day ago!"

"No, actually, about seven years ago."

"I-- WHAT--"

We decided to finish our food first and went to sit in the living room.

"Spit. The. Fuck. Up." She deadpanned.

"You're swearing at me now?"

"Actually, call him right now. I can't just sit around when my sister started dating a man who she met two days ago." Tati said picking up my phone.

"Wait," I said, "I just realised I didn't exchange numbers."

"Rosalina Cordello, are you kidding me right now?" She yelled, "Santo cielo!"

[Good Heavens!]

"I'll call him tomorrow, okay?"

"No, I'm coming to your office tomorrow." She said.
The next day

"Good morning, ma'am." I was greeted by the sulking receptionist.

"Keep up a spirit. You'll reduce the number of people that enter out of curiosity." Tati said patting her shoulder as I walked right past them.

Tati came rushed after me as I reached the elevator.

We stepped out of the elevator and I was greeted very energetically by being picked up off the floor by a man named Niccolo Luciano.

"Good morning, mia regina!"

We both looked at each other and then at Tati who seemed like she was about to throw up.

He put me down and we looked away as he cleared his throat.

There was a very uncomfortable air around us as Tati walked infront of us towards my office.

After entering the office, Tati sat on the sofa and sighed.

"What's her schedule today?" She asked him.

He looked at me and started dictating the schedule after my nod.

I sat down on my chair.

"--And there has been a request of presence by the hotel franchise in Canada. There were a few investors who were difficult to handle by the Executive there." He finished.

I simply nodded.

"Are you going to be loyal?" Tati asked skeptically, "I mean, you met around three days ago."

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