"good night."
  I said that sadly and frustrated because I hadn't had enough of hearing her voice yet.

After she finished the call, I threw myself on the bed processing what had just happened. She called me, she still remembers my name and does not find me an annoying person... I wanted to jump, dance, sing and cry with joy because she still remembers me and also tomorrow I will meet her  ... I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
And this is what happened. I spent the night tossing and turning in bed and trying to convince myself to sleep.

Morning came, and I barely fell asleep for about two hours. The alarm rang and I woke up excited and nervous, not knowing what to do. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and went down to have breakfast with my father, who noticed that I was unusually active today.

"Good morning dad"
  I said that as I entered the kitchen.

" Good morning my princess, you look energetic today"
  He said that while looking at me happily

" Because I am very hungry"
  I said that while tasting the food that was on the table, I didn't know what to say and I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said I was acting weird

  "The food is ready, eat as much as you want"
He said that with joy to see me energetic.

 " Dad, tonight I'm going out with my friend so I won't be home when you come back, we might be a little late ...  do you have a problem with that?

  "no darling, but don't be too late, because the weather is very cold and I don't want you to get sick."

  "ok dad, thank you"
  I said that and went back to eating my food with enthusiasm.

  "Well, darling, I have to go now, take care of yourself and don't go out in unwarm clothes .. ok?."
  He said that as he prepared himself to get up from the table to get ready to go to work.

"ok, Dad... Don't worry about me, take care of yourself and don't forget to take your medicine after lunch."

" My baby girl, I love you so much and I love seeing you happy."
He said that and then kissed my head and left.

After my dad was gone I finished my food and washed the dishes and then went up to my room to see what I could wear tonight.
I stood in front of my closet and started thinking, I can't wear a dress in such weather So my options narrowed down and I finally decided to wear a gray T-shirt with a black jacket and blue jeans.

Finally, the moment I had been waiting for since yesterday came. I was looking from the window, waiting for Sam to come after I had prepared myself so i was ready to go out, but she was a little late.

6:07 P.M
My phone rang and she was the caller, I felt very happy and the frustration I felt because of her being late for minutes vanished so I answered her call quickly.

  I said it shyly and happily

  "Hi tiny, are you ready?, I'll be in front of your house in a few minutes"

" Yes, I am ready and I will go out now to welcome you"

  "No...wait for my signal to come out"

  I said that and then she hanged up.

after 3 or 4 minutes I saw the luxurious black car that I recognize and love parked in front of my house.
Then I heard a notification sound from my phone, and it was a message from Sam telling me that she had arrived

Sam:You can come out.

My face turned red, my heart beat quickly.
I felt that my legs were weak and could not carry me but I gathered my strength and left the house quickly so as not to make her wait.
I couldn't see her until I got into the car because of the tinted windows in the car.
When my eyes fell on her, I was enchanted by her cute smile... She was wearing a white hoodie with a long black jacket and black jeans & sneakers... She looked so sexy and handsome.

"How are you tiny? It's been a long time."
She said that to take me back to interrupt my moment of contemplation as she looked at me with a gentle smile.

"huh... i mean good ... and you?"
I said that while trying to control myself so as not to look like a weirdo in front of her.

"I'm great ... put your seatbelt on and let's go"
She said that while running the car engine and I did what she asked
Then she added, “By the way, I am the one who will choose the restaurant today, so I will be the one who will pay.”

"b ... but"

"Without but ... I said that to you in advance so that you do not argue with me afterwards, because if you do, you will only blame yourself."
She said that and winked at me.

I'm starting to feel hot despite the cold weather, her voice, her words, her movements make my heart melt... I feel weak in her presence and helpless, I can't even disagree with her or confront her and it's getting progressively worse.

  " how did you do in the exams?"
  She said as she focused on the road

"I don't know ... I hope I will pass the exams"

" I didn't expect such an answer, you look like a diligent student."

I didn't know what to reply to her, should I tell her that I can't sleep because of her because I think about her all the time and if I sleep I dream about her so I just smiled at her and then focused on my intertwined fingers nervously, I am in a very bad condition.

  We arrived at our intended destination, it was an upscale restaurant, we headed inside ... there was a nice man at the reception who welcomed us respectfully after Sam mentioned her full name, then he told us that our table was on the last floor, so he told one of the waiters to guide us and then wished us to enjoy  our time.

Our table was a round table next to a wall that was mostly made of glass. It was foggy ... I felt as if we were in the clouds.
There is a lot of space between the tables, so the place was a bit comfortable.

" I know you liked the place this time"
  She said that while drinking from the wine glass in her hand.

"yeah ... i love it."
I said that feeling happy because she was interested in me liking the place

  "good since you are comfortable and you like the place, what would you like to eat?"
She said as she scanned the menu.

"I don't know... anything."
I said nervously because I really didn't know what I wanted.

  "we'll find out now"
She said that after removing her eyes from the menu to look at me

She began to mention the dishes on the menu and explained to me the ingredients of the dishes that I did not know, and with the mention of each dish she asked me if I wanted to try that dish or not.  And her method worked in the end because I decided what I wanted.

"what about drinks?"
She said that while still scanning the menu and looking at me from time to time

" I don't know... maybe juice or soda."

"Why don't you try to drink red wine, you will like it"
She said that while looking at me and then narrowed her eyes and said
"You've never had alcohol before, have you?"

I looked at her nervously and nodded my head meaning NO

"So juice... you're going to drink juice"
She said that with a half smile as she drank the wine.

Minutes later, the table was filled with the dishes we ordered and we started eating.  Sam was focusing on her food and I was focusing on her, peeping at her constantly, her straight black hair, brown eyes, perfect skin and her mouth... oh my god I'm obsessed with her.

" Did you like the food?"
She said that to interrupt my thoughts as she drank from the wine glass

" it's delicious."

"great ... So Mon ... do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"
She said that after she went back to eating.

"w ... what!"



If only...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon