37.who are you ?!

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Three days passed for me in my family's house. I could barely sit with them at the table to eat... they were worried about me all the time. I could see the question marks flying over their heads and the curiosity in their eyes to know what was wrong with me, but I was not ready to talk about anything, and fortunately they noticed that. I was I spend most of the time in my room with nothing on my mind, just Mon and how is she?
Is she okay or not?

"Can I come in?"
My mom said that after she knocked on the door 3 times to break the silence that was surrounding me in my room.

"Yeah, of course"
my mom entered the room and sat on the bed behind me.

"Who is the lucky one that my baby can't stop thinks about?"
My mom said this warmly as she stroked my hair with a tenderness that I had never felt in my life. She looked like another woman, not my cold mom

"no one. It seems that my menstrual period so mood is shitty."
I said that to avoid talking about the details.

"Is she the attractive girl with black hair and foreign features who brought you home?"
My mom said that, which surprised me, and I turned my face to look at her.

"Whatever the problems are between you girls, you can overcome them together."
My mom said that then she gently moved the strands of hair away from my face with her fingertips.

"Did Eve tell you something?"

"Then I'm right. Come on, you can tell me. Maybe I can help."
My mom said that with confidence because she doesn't know that my case is hopeless this time... i put my head on her lap and allowed myself to feel safe in her presence.

"In short, she once loved me and I made her regret it.... Now I don't want anything but another chance with her, but she doesn't even want to see my face, she hate me and I don't blame her."
I said that with weak voice, I didn't care if what i said will make my mom realize that she has always been right in her view of me.

" I don't think she hates you. The girl looks sad, angry, or let's say she doesn't look comfortable, but I didn't see any hatred in her eyes. Maybe all she needs is some time....I don't know what happened between you in detail, but if you want, I will talk to her or one of her family so they can talk. With her"
my mom said that with justified optimism ....again, she doesn't know what happened.

"Please don't do or say anything. There's no point in talking to her about anything.... I've hurt her enough also she has no family. Her father died weeks ago."
I said that and closed my eyes. Thinking about Mon and the fact that I have no hope of ever being with her makes me feel numb and tired and I literally hate myself.

"what about her mom?... siblings?!"

"her mom died a long time ago, she is completely alone."

"Give it time baby.... Time heals everything."
My mom said this in a warm voice to try to make me feel some hope, but I was aware of the extent of my problem. I know what I did.



After spending about two weeks at my family's home, I decided to return to work, but I did not return to my apartment. I will be honest with you, staying with my family and feeling their love helped me to deal with the heaviness that I felt in my heart, especially my mom who did not fail to assure me that she had changed and that she was fully supporting me.
I didn't speak to Moon or see her after that day, but I heard that she had resigned from Selena company and that she might be preparing to leave the country.

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