06.She is a nice person

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After about half an hour, we reached our intended destination. The restaurant was a very large building with many floors. We headed inside. She was walking in front of me, and I was following her with hesitant steps because I was uncomfortable ... I'm not used to going to places like this.

"Why are you walking behind me... Hurry up, I'm starving"
She said that when she turned to me and stopped to let me follow him

At the entrance to the restaurant at the reception, there was a man in an elegant suit who greeted us, and we did the same. It seems that Sam always comes here, so that man recognized her and welcomed us respectfully.

After that man welcomed us, he told one of the waiters to take us to the "same table", I don't know what that means, but it seems that Sam used to sit at a specific table in that place.
Our seat was on the fourth floor... It was a table for four people next to A wall mostly of glass overlooking a large garden that apparently belonged to the restaurant as well.
Everything was incredibly luxurious and elegant, even the people who were there, bou I did not feel comfortable there at all despite the impressive things here.

"Do not you like it?!"
Sam said curiously

"No, it's ... it's good"
I said that but it was obvious that I was not comfortable

"I will pay because I invited you here..so you ..."

"but I don't like anyone paying for me" I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.

"If there's a next time you will choose the place and you will pay... now, you owe me a cup of coffee and a meal, are you ok with that?
and now what would you like to eat?" She said it quickly without giving me a chance to answer.

"I'm not hungry, I'll just have juice, I've already eaten."

"Well then I will choose the food too" She said this while looking at the menu.

She speaks quickly, ignores what I say and doesn't give me a chance to argue. She closes the topic she doesn't like and starts another.
Personally, I don't like my opinion being ignored or being forced into something. I know she does it with good intentions, but when she acts like this, I feel like I don't exist... She treats me like a child, and it's very annoying.

The waiter took the order, and after a few minutes the table was filled with different types of food. There were dishes that I saw for the first time.

"Are we waiting for someone?"
I said that in amazement because the food that was on the table was not only for two people.

"No... this is ours and we have to eat it before it gets cold, so Let's dig in"
She said as she put the food on her plate

As for me, I just looked at her and drank the juice.

"Why didn't you start eating?"
She said that as she took her first bite

" I'm not hungry, I'll just drink juice"

"Is there anything specific that you would like to eat?"

" No ... no... I'm not hungry ... I ate already" I wasn't hungry, I was nervous.

She moved her tongue as if she was cleaning her teeth, then she took my plate and began to put the food on it and then put it in front of me.

"If you don't eat yourself, I will feed by myself"
She said threateningly
" wait ... Maybe you do it so you can make me feed you, and maybe you want more than just ..."
She said that raising her eyebrow

I opened my eyes in shock, then I interrupted her, because I know that if she continues, she will not stop at a certain limit, cause our argument always ends with talking about sex.

"ok, ok ... I'll eat"

I took a fork and a knife and started hesitating because I wasn't comfortable.

My plate was filled with the food she was putting... I do not deny that the food was delicious, but I was shy because she used to treat me with kindness that I did not expect from anyone, especially from her... due to what is said about her that she is the exact opposite. She may be rude, bossy Sometimes but she's not bad person in general. I think people misunderstand her because she doesn't know how to talk nicely but she knows how to be nice.

After we finished our meal, which Sam paid for, we left the restaurant and headed to the car. She was walking in front of me and I followed her. I look at her and scrutinize some of the details of this strange girl who suddenly takes care of me even though we barely know each other's names.
she makes what she wear look elegant and luxurious, even if it's just jeans and a white shirt... Where did we start? How did we get here.

"Do I have to carry you to the car too?"
My thoughts were interrupted when she said that while leaning against the car door.


After more than an hour, Sam drove me home, and she left after I thanked her for everything.
Later, I called Rose to check on her and tell her what she had missed during her absence.
After that, I spent the rest of the day thinking about everything that had previously happened with me & sam, and I was almost helpless Finding a justification for my interest in her... I am so lost.




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