Chapter 2

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****Blake’s POV******

I woke to the sound on banging on my door, as I turned over I looked at the clock 1:00am, who the hell would be banging on my door at 1:00 in the morning? Groaning I slowly got up and walked over to the door, I opened it to see Sean looking frantic

“What?” I asked a little rudely, but hey its 1:00 am what do you expect?

“Alpha Blake sir, there is an emergency”

Oh s#it he called me alpha! Sean (my beta) never call’s me alpha unless it’s bad.

Opening the door a little more I motioned for Sean to come inside

“What is it Sean?”

“Well, there has been an attack, two rouges were found dead, sir” Sean said breathlessly

“why Sean, if it was two rouges, are you telling me?” I said getting angrier –he comes here at 1 in the morning to tell me that two rouges have been killed, why would I care about bloody rouges?-

Sensing my anger Sean took a step back “well, sir, they were killed on our territory, and the doctor said they found silver in his blood, we think maybe it was a hunter, a skilled hunter, sir”

“what!?” I practically shout at him – I might not care when it comes to rouges, but when my own are threatened, I care- “okay I’m going call the packs who are close by to see if I can find anything about this hunter guy, but Sean, I need you to go to school today and see what you can find, see if anybody has seen a strange guy around town’, got it?” I said letting my full alpha take control

Sean nodded and turned around to leave

“Oh Sean?”

Slowly he turned back around “yea?”

“Sorry about the yelling” is said, I barely ever apologised but Sean was my best friend

“it’s okay Blake I’m fine” he said and left

I quickly got dressed and went to call all of the pack members, which wasn’t hard because we live in a  pack house, once I called everybody and told them of the news I left to go to my office to call the other alpha’s who were close to our pack land–I unlike most other alpha’s own the whole town, this is because my father, the ex alpha, is the mayor of the city- I also had to call the werewolf council to tell them about the two rouges who had been killed and to send out a warning that there is a hunter around, unfortunately because the hunter didn’t kill any of my pack, I don’t get to kill him, the council do, which is a bummer because I really wouldn’t mind killing something right now.

*****Evangeline’s POV*****  


I slowly rolled over to turn off my alarm, the stupid thing had been going for the past 7 minutes, but i could not be bothered to turn it off

‘Evangeline get up now! You have to be leaving for school soon”

Ah school the bane of my existence, if there was anything i hated more than werewolf’s, it was school, but of course unlike werewolf’s i could not kill every school i came across, if i tried doing that i would probably be wanted for mass murder.

After a quick shower i got dressed in to dark skinny jeans with rips –like stripes- all the way down, ankle boots, a red singlet and a short leather jacket, I tied my long hip length brown hair up, letting my bangs fall just above my eyes, i also added a little bit of eye liner –not enough to be emo though- , a little bit of light lip gloss, and I was ready for a day full of stares, although i was used to the stares i still did not like them.

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