𝟎𝟎𝟐 Decisions, Decisions . . .

Start from the beginning

Lex laughed softly and buttoned his suit. "We have much to discuss. This way, please." Luther motioned ahead and the girls followed.

Hazel swished the wine and her eyes took in the suite. "The view from here is amazing," Hazel commented. "Chose well I see."

Lex nodded, "Allow me to show you around. May I give you a tour?"


"So far nothing," Tim sighed, pushing himself off the boxes he and Cole had stacked to rest the computer on.

Dick took a breath and glanced at the two boys. "Just give them some time," Dick instructed, his eyes looking up at the Luther tower.

Daily Planet Archives

"WELCOME TO THE DAILY PLANT ARCHIVES," THE MAN CALLED. He led Gar, Rachel, Conner and Terran through the tall aisles of stacked boxes on metal shelves. "Outsiders usually don't get access to this kind of stuff, but considering it's you guys, I'll make an exception."

"Thanks," Gar said with a nod.

"Every single issue dating back to our very first day of publication, November 2nd, 1775," The man continued.

"This is insane," Rachel commented. "How do you find anything?"

"Ah, it's all catalogued," The man shrugged. "Well, most of it. We're digitizing as fast as we can. The Luthor section is just down there."

"According to Dick, Lex Luthor never tips his hand," Conner relayed. "So, we need to see what cards he's showing and then try to figure out what he's holding."

"TLDR, we need everything you have on Lex," Terran cut in.

"Everything? I mean, that could take months to go through," The man said in amazement.

"Don't worry. He's a fast reader," Gar chuckled, glancing back at Conner.

"I mean, I believe you, but still," He scoffed softly. "Can we narrow it down? I mean, we got a lot on the guy. We got felony arrests, felony convictions, capital crimes, crimes on the high seas, space-based crimes, philanthropy."

"Oh, definitely the pirate-"

"Philanthropy," Conner cut in, stopping Gar.

"Okay," The man nodded and slid the box from the shelf. "Let's head to my office. We can pull it up on the server."


Kory and Hazel looked up at the large oil painting on Lex's wall and Hazel turned the wine to bourbon. "Powerful, isn't it?" Lex questioned as he handed Kory a small glass of liquor. "Gautier 1762. I acquired this bottle at auction. It was found in the sealed-off compartment underneath Jean Paul Marat's bathtub."

"It tastes like it," Kory commented, smacking her lips, and making Hazel chuckle.

She swapped her wine glass with Kory and Hazel sipped the gold liquor. Hazel sipped it and spun the glass. "Impressive," Hazel muttered.

"To new friends," Luther toasted.

"We'll see," Kory hummed. As he sipped from his drink, Kory let her hand drop and she released the small flying chip.

"I have so many questions for you both," Lex spoke. "So much I want to learn about your planets, history, your abilities."

"We have a few questions for you, too," Kory mirrored.

"Why do you want to meet with Conner?" Hazel questioned.

"Doesn't a father have a right to meet his son?" Lex countered.

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