Chapter 10

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It was a week after Ashton had gone to visit Chloe and told both Luke and Chloe about his predicament. He was shocked at the news that not only did Calum have a new job opportunity for him but Luke opened up his home for him to move in to. He will be able to afford a better lifestyle finally. And be there more for Chloe. He started hating being a part time dad to her. And oh what made him even more happy was when she decided to call him "pa". How lucky was he.

He had given both his landlord and his old boss a weeks notice. That weekend Ashton decided to move and had help from both Calum and Luke. "You don't have much stuff to move Ashton, I honestly thought you would have more stuff." Luke said. "Calum owned most of the furniture in the apartment. I owned basically a large scale of the kitchen stuff and my bed. Plus my clothes." Ashton replied shyly.

That Monday morning it was time for Ashton to not only meet his new boss in person but also all his colleagues. He was also going to get his new uniform as he had to start working the next day. The only thing that he would need to adapt to was the shifts. He had the evening shift with Calum this week, but next week it would change as his boss would see fit.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Hi, my name is Harry." a tall brown curly headed guy says behind me. I turned around to see him smiling at me and also wearing a chef jacket. I guess he is one of the other chefs here. "My name is Ashton." I reply wanting to shake his hand. He immediately grabs me and hugs me. "Sorry if I am so forward towards you it is just that I am a hugger. And I can't wait to work with you." He said smiling coyly at me. I hope that he is not flirting with me but he just doesn't seem to be my type. I won't say anything about it to him just yet because I am only starting tomorrow and don't want to get bad vibes started, just incase. Next I am meeting the rest of the kitchen staff and the boss let's me sign my contract. I also get a new uniform, which I have to wear. I asked Luke to pick me up today and drop me at work for the rest of the week. Calum said he would take me home during this week but we have to be at the restaurant at two different times as he has more things to take care of.


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With all of the official informalities taken care of Harry approaches me again. "I just want you to know although I am the head chef and you are only the sous chef I don't want you to be scared of anything that you need to tell me at work. See us as one big family and not just another job, please. It would make things easier for everyone." Harry said. This is honestly the first time that I have been told to make my job homey. Even though it was by the head chef. "Sure, I will do so." I said nervously.

I contacted Luke and told him that he could come fetch me. He had said that he would bring Chloe along as she wanted to see where her "pa" was going to work. I thought it was cute that she wanted to do that. I then decided to ask my boss if Luke and Chloe could meet the staff. He said yeah.

Luke's P.O.V

I picked up Chloe from the house as she was still on vacation for another week. We went to picked up Ashton from work but every now and then that weird feeling would come back when Ashton kissed me. I keep on telling myself it is nothing but like when he came out of the bathroom this morning with nothing but a towel on, I just knew it was not nothing anymore. But luckily he did not see my growing erection and the butterflies had totally taken over. I just hope I can get over Ashton soon because I wouldn't want us to screw up a relationship with Chloe, she comes first.

We get to the restaurant and Ashton shows us around and introduces us to everyone. He seems so excited and I am truly happy for him. He deserves all of this. That is after all another reason I couldn't exactly let him try and stay part time at Mike's house. I have also only recently realized how lonely I really am. And I am going to ask Chloe how she feels about me dating anyone. Although my body just wants Ashton at this stage. I can't think of him here it will cause problems again. I must stop it now.

Harry's P.O.V

"Ashton, I know that I only meter you today but the blonde dude that is here to pick you up, are you guys together or something?" I asked Ashton curiously. Don't think that I am at all interested in either of them, I just wanted to know. The blonde looked at Ashton like he is a juicy rump sirloin steak. "No, why do you ask. He is my daughter's other father we had a one night stand and are now currently just roommates." Ashton insisted. "Ok, if you say so." I say thinking to myself about the bit of tea that I can tell Louis today when I get home.

Nobody's P.O.V

Ashton got in the passenger seat in the car in front. Chloe was sitting at the back. "So where do you guys want to eat?" Luke asked. "Well if you don't mind I would like to make us something to eat to say thanks for everything that you guys have done for me." Ashton insisted. "Well I don't have a problem with it as long as Chloe doesn't." Luke said. "Sure." Chloe said calmly. Although Luke was a nervous wreck inside as the butterflies started again, but this time Chloe started to notice that something was off between Ashton and Luke. And it was not coming from Ashton's side.

When they got home Luke had scarcely parked the car when he needed the bathroom. Ashton was wondering what was wrong with Luke and if he needed to see a doctor maybe. Chloe followed Luke and saw that he was going to take a very cold shower. She could not seem to understand at first why Luke needed this shower so urgently. Before he got undressed she knocked on his door and asked to speak with him. "Dad, what is wrong with you today? You have been acting off towards "pa" for the past week now. Is it because I said that he should move in with us? Are you upset with him or something or even me? Chloe said tearing up feeling very guilty about the whole situation that her dad is finding himself in. "Honey it is not your fault, that I am feeling this way. And no I am upset with either of you guys. Nor do I want your "pa" to move. But I am just trying to come to terms about certain things concerning him." Luke admitted to Chloe hating seeing the fact that she was crying. "T-then what is it that is bothering you about "pa"? Chloe asked. Luke was cornered and had to finally admit it to someone. Rather Chloe than anyone else as he actually wanted to get her opinion on him dating anyone. "I think that I might like Ashton more than friends. And I also want to know how you would feel if I started dating anyone right now." Luke said nervously, twiddling his thumbs. "Oh, so that's why you are so awkward around him all of a sudden. But if you want to date him go for it. I will love having both my parents dating each other." Chloe said excitedly. "I don't know if we will date each other as I don't think he feels the same way. But I still want to date someone." Luke said shyly. "I'm sure you both will end up with each other no matter what." Chloe smiled.

After their conversation Luke and Chloe made their way downstairs. They came into the kitchen seeing a feast set up for them yet again by Ashton. 'If this boy doesn't stop all of this wonderful stuff soon I might not be able to control myself soon.' Luke thought. Ashton just looked at his little family and smiled small thinking how perfect life is right now but he felt a bit lonely still....

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