Chapter 7 (edited)

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Cole and Axl's apartment (above)

Cole's P.O.V

It was a rough start to finding out that your roommate is a father this past week plus that he did not take the news too well. To put the cherry on my cake I found out Maverick thought I just left him. That broke my heart but in the end, the week ended fairly well. Except that Chloe does not want anything to do with Axl and that he is missing all of a sudden. Maybe he was upset because when he left for work Chloe and myself were gone. Well I couldn't exactly let her get in a cab alone on a Friday night. This is after all a 16 year old girl we are talking about and anything can happen. I would rather have her home safe than sorry. She has grown on me and I take this whole uncle thing seriously. But then I saw Maverick.... Damn, age definitely agreed with him! Well we finally got to have a great chat. And as luck would have it he still wants to be my boyfriend but, "baby steps" according to him. I know I should not get ahead of myself but I hope to one day marry him in the near future. And hope Axl, Chloe and Lee can also maybe become an family. But that might just be dream. But hey, a guy can dream, right? Plus when I got home Axl was missing.

It is Monday morning and I receive a call from Axl saying that he decided to go and sort things out with Chloe. I hope that means that he will sort things out with Lee too. I am already allowed to see Chloe when I want, but it would be crap if he could not have the same privilege. But it is up to them, not me.
Soon after Axl's call I got a call from Maverick. "Hi, baby. I know it's early but I am missing you already." Maverick started the conversation. "Hi babe, I miss you too. But are you not working today?" I asked. "Yeah was supposed to but Lee got me to cancel all of his stuff for today so it got me thinking about you and this past weekend and us." He said coyly. "Ok, what conclusions did you draw from all of your thoughts?" I said slightly mocking him in a cute way. "Well I am going to actually ask you something." He replied. " Move in with me. I want you to quit your current job and I will help you find something closer to us and something that you love doing. I know that you don't like your current job." He said excited. I was shocked at his question and proposal. I thought that we were going to take baby steps, and now he wants me to move in and give up my job. I am going to need time to think. It's my dream but am I really that lucky and ready for it to just fall in to my lap? " Babe, I just need some time to wrap my head around all of this so if you are willing to wait for me to respond then I will get back to you about it all?" I said in a scared yet questioning way.


Axl's P.O.V

It's Monday night and I have to go to work tomorrow so let's hope what Cole wants to tell me is not so bad, because currently I am on cloud 9 concerning my mood. I have never felt better. Lee and Chloe are willing to give our relationships a go. I told my mom about Chloe and she can't wait to see her. So now I just have to try and get Saturday morning off so that I can get to spend this weekend with Chloe. Oh and Chloe also wants me to be put on the adoption paperwork so that both Luke and myself will be her legal guardians again. As I was never added to the birth certificate and only Lee was it meant a lot to me.
I got home just to see a nervous wreck of a Cole sitting at our island in the kitchen. What the hell happened to him between this morning that he sounded chirpy over the phone to this? "Hi Cole." I said worried. "Oh hi, I did not see you there." He said his voice sounded shaky. "Dude are you ok? You said that you wanted to tell me something when I got home?" I asked still worried about him. "Um, yeah. Well I have news. And some of it I'm not sure about yet but we can chat about that and then I would not want you to get mad if I go through with it ok?" He asked. "Dude just tell me then we can decide on how I will become mad or not." I tried to sound resuring him. "Well Maverick and myself are back together as I went home with Chloe on Friday night. I could not let her leave alone. She went to Maverick's house as Lee was going to pick her up that morning but she only found out after you stormed off to your room. When we got to Maverick's house we had a chat and went to bed. Lee came to fetch Chloe earlier than they expected and me and him had a chat. Then they left and Maverick and myself had a deep decent conversation about us and the past. We decided to give it a go again. But baby steps according to Maverick that was until, this morning after I spoke to you and Lee had canceled all his appointments for the day. That gave Maverick time to think about us and well he asked me something that I want to say yes to. But am scared because of our friendship and it might put you in a bind." He said, his voice shaking. "Dude I don't mind if it will make you happy. I will find my own way. I have just found the best happiness in the world." I replied. "You might not be so eager once you know what the proposal was." He said. "What could be so bad?" I laughed. " Well he wants me to not only move in with him but also give up my job here and he will find a better job closer to home." He said excited. "What! Seriously I might just be slightly upset as it might mess with my plans to get on the adoption paperwork of Chloe. I need us to be staying together and you know that I can't afford this place by myself. Nor any smaller ones." I said annoyed at Cole. But deep down inside I was happy that he would have a shot at happiness. Now I don't know what to do. How am I going to have the whole adoption thing work out.

So Cole got asked by Maverick to move in and quit his job. But now Axl in a big bind. What are they going to do about everything? And will Cole take Maverick up on his offer? Let's see what happens next......

- Cam

Calum's P.O.V

I knew that I should have waited to tell Ashton about the whole moving situation but I am just so excited to do this. He got his happiness to a point with Chloe and that Luke at least wants to be our friend. I wonder how he will take the news as he has to now let his lawyers know about the new developments before they hand in all the paperwork on Thursday. Oh well I still have to let Mike know I actually can't wait and am taking the first steps tomorrow. I decided to text him to let him know that I would love to move in with him and if it were ok would be moving in by Friday afternoon. I could not phone him at this time of night as he had work in the morning and if he wanted he could always phone or just text me. Ashton is currently pretty mad but me and Mikey. But happy that he has Chloe and Luke. I think he is just more concerned about the adoption process. But we will make it work between the four of us. Even if we have to tell a few white lies. Ashton deserves to be part of Chloe's life as well.

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