The Doll & I'm Awake?

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(Classic POV)

'I'm starting to regret this all' is what I thought as the kids came up into the attic with me. "Hey classic?" Nightmare asked while looking around with his flashlight. "Yeah kid?" I ask while looking around with my flashlight, feeling slightly frustrated when I notice the flashlights are barely even lightning up this attic. "What's this?" Nightmare asks, making me turn to see what he's talking about. Instantly I freeze when I see what nightmare is pointing at, right in front of nightmare was a freaking porcelain doll sitting on a dusty little chair with a creepy ass smile on it's face.

Immediately I wanted to grab the kids and nope out of there but knew if I did, the kids would be upset, so I stayed but almost felt like fainting when dream came up beside nightmare and grabbed the porcelain doll with no hesitation. "Uh-, perhaps you shouldn't grab the creepy doll?" I suggest while grinning nervously. "Why? They look cute!" Dream says while facing the doll towards me and I don't know if my eye lights or my mind was playing tricks on me but I swear I saw it blink at me!

"Right...Cute. So, How about we head downstairs now?" I ask while getting the feeling of being watched. "But we just started exploring!" Both twins responded at the same time. "We can explore another time with the others, okay?" I say and feel relieved when they reluctantly agreed, though that relief slightly disappeared when I saw they didn't let go of the doll as they started heading for the attic stairs. Sighing, I just give up on even convincing them to leave the doll and head back downstairs with them. "The others better not blame me if that doll starts haunting them." I mutter as I finish going down the attic stairs.

Watching as the twins ran off with their new found toy, I turned around to close the attic stairs and froze when I heard laughter echo from up there. Immediately I closed the attic stairs, not wanting to deal with some supernatural spirit or something worse. After I closed the attic stairs, I teleported downstairs to see the twins showing the others the creepy doll and from the looks of the others, they didn't seem very delighted to see the creepy doll that stared at them with it's lifeless eyes.

Moving, I go over to one of the living room couches before flopping down on it. 'I hope we move from this house soon.' is what I thought as I closed my eye sockets, sleep immediately overcoming me. If anyone looked over my way, they would see me sleeping without a care in the world.

(Meanwhile at a certain hospital-)


'What happened?' is what I groggily wondered as I opened my eyes to see that I was in what seemed to be a hospital room. Before I could look around any longer, I was interrupted by the sound of the door to my room, opening. Snapping my attention to the door, I could see the surprise and shock in the doctor's eyes as he saw that I was awake. "Explain." Is all I said as I shifted into a more comfortable position to sit. Snapping out of their surprise and shock, they explained to me that I was supposedly in a short coma that was originally supposed to last a week but it seemed they miscalculated seeing as I woke up 4 days early.

"My children. Are my children okay?" I ask the doctor who's name I found out was David. "They are fine, your oldest son is taking care of them I believe." David responded as he held a clipboard in his hands, writing down something before looking at me. "Do you think you feel fine enough to be discharged or do you want to rest some more?" David asks me, to which surprised me slightly since it's usually the doctor that chooses when you get discharged. "I'm well enough to head home, plus I have a feeling one of my children want me to come back quickly." I say while feeling for my bond with the twins and the kids.

Immediately sending love and care through the family bond, I feel relief, happiness, and confusion get sent back to me. "I see, we will do a few checkups first just in case and then afterwards you may head home. It should only take about 30 minutes." Doctor david said to me before heading towards the door. "I'll be right back, I need to tell your family that you're awake now and will need to be picked up soon. Is that alright with you?" He asks to which I nod in response. "Go right ahead." I say and watch as the doctor walks out.

Once he left, I sighed as I laid my head back down on the pillow. "I can't shake this feeling that something will happen soon." I say to myself while frowning slightly. "Well whatever it is, I hope it's nothing bad." I mutter before wondering what everyone was doing.

"They better not be doing anything bad." I say before shutting my eyes to block out the light shining into my room through the curtains.

(Meanwhile somewhere in the void)

"Chaos, what have you done?!" Void yells as he glares at chaos who nervously chuckled while looking away from the others furious gaze. "I uh- just moved a few someones to their new home?" Chaos says before letting out a yelp when void smacks him in the face. "You idiot! You can't just move my little guest, their family, and friends into sans original multiverse all willy nilly! You have to ask for my little guests permission first!" Void says angrily before continuing. "Plus, you know space and time will found out and you know it's not good when you anger them!" Void says before turning away.

"Well whatever, you sealed your Fate." Void says before disappearing to visit destiny's realm. Quiet, chaos stares where void disappeared before jolting in surprise when a voice speaks behind him. "He isn't wrong y'know? You've sealed your Fate this time. Time and space care deeply about their job and don't like when others mess with their work." Fate says while showing their self. "I'll be fine! You guys act like they'll kill me." Chaos grumbles while looking away. "They may not kill you but they will not just let you go unpunished. We all know that. Plus, I know the best since I've experienced their anger first hand and it's not pretty." Fate says as they stare at chaos who's turned away from them.

"Whatever." Chaos mutters before vanishing into his realm while Fate sighs as chaos disappears from their sight. "I hope void's little guest won't be too upset when they find out what chaos did." Fate says to their self before vanishing into their own realm.

Have a awesome day and night!

I updated, after so frickin long.


They are going to classic's old multiverse with the others! You all know what that means right? Sans is gonna reunite with papyrus soon!

Also, this story is almost completed!

Chaos is currently being chased down by Time and Space.

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