To The Attic!

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(Classic POV)

It's now been two days since Y/N has been in the hospital and everything has been going... well, bad for me today. And why has it been bad for me today? Well nightmare and dream decided it would be a good idea to adventure into the attic while dragging me along with them. Their excuse for me to come with them? To be their sword and shield against any scary creatures in there.

Anyways, right now I was being tugged by my jacket sleeves by the two little apple twins who seemed very eager to go into the attic. Did they not hear from the others that there is creepy porcelain dolls in there? I don't think they did from the excited looks on their faces. Welp, Let's hope everything goes well and nothing bad happens... I just jinxed myself didn't I?

(A few minutes later-)

(Classic POV)

We are currently standing at the attic's ladder, I repeat we are currently at the attic's ladder and approaching our doom. If there's anything I know well it's that you never go into a attic or basement that has creepy porcelain dolls. What makes everything even worse is that most of the others are out either shopping, at a park, sleeping, or doing who knows what. And here I was having to be the first to enter the creepy attic stairs that was covered in dust and cobwebs, how lovely.

"Kiddo's are you sure you wanna go in there? How about we go get something to eat instead?" I suggested while sending a wary glance at the creepy attic that didn't even have an ounce of light showing inside. "Yep! Also why don't you wanna go in with us? Are you scared?" Dream questioned while tilting his skull towards me. "Wha- of course I'm not scared! I'm just worried about you guys getting bit by a poisonous spider or something. Who knows, there's probably mice in there too." I said while trying not to show how I was actually feeling a little nervous.

"Your nervous." Nightmare stated while staring at me with his arms crossed. "Am not." I said while taking a glance at the creepy darkness that was the attic. "You are. Me and dream have the ability to sense what your feeling remember?" Nightmare reminded me while staring at me with a look that said 'you can't fool me.' "...okay fine, you got me. I'm nervous but how can I not be? Have you never seen what happens in horror movies before?" I said while staring at the two twins who looked at me with confusion.

"What's a horror movie?" Dream and Nightmare both ask at the same time while looking at me. "You got to be kidding me." I stated while staring at the kids with a dumbfounded expression. "Your kidding right? There's no way you don't know what a horror movie is." I said while disbelief showed in my voice. "Mom- I mean Papa, never let us watch horror movies because they said they weren't very nice to watch." Dream said before looking at the attic with an impatient look on his face, obviously wanting to enter the attic already.

"Okay... well, if there is anything I learned from watching horror movies it's that you never go into a creepy attic or basement alone and with only one or two people and with no weapon cause then your certain to die- I mean get lost." I said while watching as the twins expression changed from eager to... Determined? "We're fine then! There's three of us and we ourselves are the weapons. Literally. We can defend ourselves with our magic remember? Plus we also have you, your stronger than us and your the adult so you'll be able to protect us if anything goes wrong, right?" Nightmare pointed out while smiling at me.

"...I hate that your right." I said with a sigh, giving up on trying to convince them to leave the attic alone. After all, seeing how determined they were to enter it reminded me of someone, it reminded me of frisk...

"Yeah!" Dream cheered while nightmare just smiled at his brother's happiness and because they get to enter the attic at last. "Welp, time to enter the definitely not dark creepy haunted attic that's filled with who knows what." I mumbled to myself, already feeling slight regret from agreeing before focusing at the task at hand. "Let's go kiddo's." I say before taking a step onto the attic's staircase.

Oh if only I could turn back time... Then I would've stopped the kiddo's and myself from going into the attic.

Have a good day and night!

I know it's short, sorry.


Classic, dream, and nightmare are headed into the attic! I wonder what they will run into?

The babies Orion and Aster are with blue, shine, night, and cross. Where are they? At the park.

The bitties joined some of the others to go shopping, sightseeing, and other things.

There's gonna be mannequins and porcelain dolls in the attic, that I can guarantee.

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