I think im falling for you

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Ariana's POV
I woke up by my alarm again, it was Wednesday and i had to go to school. After i opened my eyes i saw that i and Justin were cuddling and i got scared and jumped off of the bed.
"Sorry, sorry, i didnt mean that!" I said stressed out.
"It's ok, dont worry!" He said trying to wake up even that his eyes were open and looking at me. "But you know, one question, how did i sleep in here?" He asked.
"Ok so you dont remember, you were too drunk-" i said while he was looking weirdly at me. "Well you slept here because, last night, after we hagged out, i got up here in my aparment and watched series until 3 am. At one point that they put the magazines one, i looked through a window in my bedroom and i saw a man completly drunk that was wearing a similar costume with yours. I didnt know if you are and i called you, you answered but you werent able to say anything normal because you were too drunk. Then i got the idea that you were that and went outside, got you, came here again, and after 2 mins i got you some water, you fell asleep on my bed and i just couldnt sleep on the sofa in the living room because it hurts my back and i had to sleep here with you." I said while he was looking at the shirt he was wearing.
"Is this yours?" He asked.
"Yep, i couldnt let you sleep in that uncomfortable costume you had on." I said
"Ok, then thank you soo much Ari!"
"Dont worry, anytime, but i wanted ask you, what were doing at 3 am in front of my blok, drunk?" I asked him. He stayed a bit to think and then he remembered.
"Well i and Timmy argued and he got me out." He said trying not to make me ask why.
"Omg, im gonna kill him today" i said laughing even that was serios.


After i got ready for school, Justin went to Timmy's house to change, his mother let Justin in, i went to school and then went directlly to Timmy.
"Hey!" I said.
"Hey!" He said back.
"I wanted you to know to, you know, never argue with Justin that hard that you would get him out and get drunk and come in front of my blok drunk as hell at 3 am!" I said mad at him
"Sorry, but it was something so important and i just couldnt let him win, he cant win." He said, how important could it be?
"Omg you're being such a child!" I said.
"Im not being a child."
"Shut up, you are." I said annoyed.


Time passed away, Justin came to school and we did our first 2 classes.

~in the break~
I and Justin were on the hallway when we saw our class master coming and we knew that when she comes she has something important to say, so we entered the class.

"Ok so kids, i wanted to tell you that from now we're going to do acting classes. We're gonna have these classes starting with today and today you're gonna stay one more hour at school for starting the acting classes." She said and left. I was so happy because i really liked acting and i wanted to be an actress.

"So, are you gonna play something today in the classes?" Justin asked me.
"I mean, i would love to, i dont know if the teacher is gonna pick me!" I said disappointed.
"Hey, dont worry, if it's not gonna pick you today, it's gonna pick you tomorrow, dont worry" he said.

After i and all the class ended the school for that day, we went directlly to the acting class, it was another one and it looked diferently. We sat down and waited the teacher to come. When she came she told us about what we should be able to do and what we are going to do this year.

She started making some teams, i was in team with Justin of course. I was nervous because i didnt know if she's gonna pick, i really wanted to picked.

After some time, she picked me, i was excited, she picked Justin too and i started getting scared because she told us we have to be able to do anything and i didnt know what that 'anything' means.
She put Justin to put on a very cool custume that also had a tie. I had to put on a cute dress and she showed us a song that we had play. It was a chalange, i had to sing the song smiling until 'dont' and then stop smiling and this was the song: 'Cause I, I'm capable of anything
Of anything and everything
Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don't make me your enemy
Your enemy, your enemy'
So we started:
"Cause I, I'm capable of anything
Of anything and everything
Make me your Aphrodite'- i took Justin by his tie and sang-
"Make me your one and only
But don't make me your enemy
Your enemy, your enemy." After thus part i stopped smiling and he started smiling as he wanted me like this like he cant play with me. What was everything we should do.


After that we went to my aparment and did our homework and of course talked about our acting leasson, i rlly enjoyed!!♡♡♡

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