You're mad at me

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Ariana's POV
  I woke up in the morning and saw that no one was in the room so i went downstairs. I saw Alle and looked at her happily, but she looked at me like 'what a bitch'.
  I wanted to go to her but then Timmy got me by my arm and told me.
"What are you doing? Dont go to her, are you crazy?" He said stressed out.
"Dont act like you dont know!"
"What? What should i know?"
"Omg she was too drunk to remember." He said annoyed.
"What, tell me."
"Last night, we got drunk and we kissed" he said disapointed.
"What?! No, we didnt!" I said stressed.
"Yes we did, why do you think she's looking like this at us right now?" He pointed at Alle.
"Omg" i said started crying and running into my room. I stayed there and realised what i did, i hurt my bestie, i knew she liked him but i was drunk, what should i do now?

Nobody's POV
  After what happend between Atiana and Timmy, Justin was a bit disapointed. He really didnt like the idea that his lobe kissed his cousin, he was mad but just couldnt tell anyone anything.
After Justin saw Ariana walking away crying, he had to go after her.

Justin's POV
Omg, why would Ari cry about?
I followed her and she entered into her room, her sobs could be heard by here on outside of the room, i had to go and hug her.
I knocked on the door and waited. After 1 min, she came, she looked as she just stopped crying.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked knowing she's not ok.
"Yeah, not at all." She said trying to calm herself down. "Well, last night, I and Timmy kissed and i broke my best friend's heart. I feel awful." She said sitting next to me and i hugged her, she started crying again.
"Hey, look at me, it's gonna be ok, dont cry!" I told her.
"What if it's not gonna be ok?" She asked worried.
"If it's not gonna be ok, i'll be here, dont worry!" I said playing with her hair. "Ari, stop crying, you're ugly. I said trying to make her laugh, that's what my father always said to me and i was a child and crying.
"Wow, thank you so much!" She said laughing. I held her close and kissed her hair saying 'it's gonna be ok'.

Ariana's POV
  I tried to talk to Alle but she didnt want to talk or listen to me, she didnt want all the holiday.
I was sad all the holiday because of this situation, Justin made me smile some times but not at all, i just couldnt smile, i felt awful and i still feel awful. Today im gonna go and talk to her, we have to.


I went to her and she stopped laughing when she saw me.
"Hey, can we please talk?" I asked shyly.
"Fine, im gonna talk."
"Thank you, look i understand, ok i understand you, i wouldnt forget myself for what i did too, i understand-" i told her while my tears came into my eyes. "Ok, i understand, i dont know how to tell you that it meny nothing to bothe of us and i didnt know what i was doing. Im so sorry, you're right, you have the right to be mad at me, but please, forget him, he loves you soo much!" I said trying not to let it go, but i couldnt, i let it go and she hugged me saying that she forgot me, she knows how crazy i am sometimes. I was so happy that she wasnt mad anymore and that she has a chance with him.
"So are you going to be with him again?" I asked and she said.
"I dont know, not yet, i wanna test him"
"What do you mean?"
"I wanna see that he really wants me back." She said.

~after that day, we gotta go back and we went, i stayed with Justin in the car that told me how i fell asleep at the first way, of course i blushed. I was happy everything is going to be ok again.

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