The little gift you made for me

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Wrote while listening to 'Daydrimin'!!!

Ariana's POV
I was looking for something fancy and i found this white and cute dress for Summer~even that it isnt Summer at all, it's just so hot for February right now~

I took it on and put some makeup on and i put my hair in a high ponytail with a white hair clip.
I thought i was cute.

I went outside seeing my friends all being elegant and i didnt understand why. I waited for this anonymous* person to come to me. Then i saw Justin coming to me and i was like 'you couldnt...'.
"Hey, you look beautiful!" He said ~and i that i thought i was cute~
"Hey, thank you, you too! Umm but why is everyone in here looking like this?" I asked him and then he took my arm and took me in another part of the yard.
"Yeah, as you got that letter from Tim, they also got it, i and the boys wanted to make the first night so beautiful for all our ladies" he winked at me.
"So you were!" I said excited pointing at him. He smiled at me cutely and he nod.
"Omg, i swear, you're the worst!" I said laughing.♡
"Well maybe i am but im your worst." He said flirting to me.
"Shut up!" I said hitting him as a friend.~we used to do this a lot~

Then he took my hand again meeting our fingers and i just couldnt help but blush.
"Get into the car right now!" He told me laughing remembering of a moment in the maths time.

----Little Flashback-----------------------

Ari and Justin were in the Maths time and writing a new lesson while they heard the teacher telling a student to DO NOT chew gum in her time and talk to her chewing it, the student didnt care and the teacher told him something.
"How can you do that? Dont you have respect for me?" She said sooooo mad.
"Throw it in the trash right now!" The student didnt listen and the teacher got mad, said it one more time and just give him a three because of the bad bihaivor.

----End Of Flashback--------------------

"Oh shut up!" I said laughing remembering.
"Get into there!" Justin told me smiling at me.
"Ok, dont need to be such a dumbass" i said joking.

I got into the car ~i dont know whose car that was because we arrived here with a couch but whatever~
He drove me to an ice cream shop where he bought me my favourite ice cream and also that one that i really wanted to try in this part of California.

After that i thanked him and he drove to the seaside where we just walked around the beach watching the sea and talking about what we will do in life.
"So, i wanted to ask you, what do you wanna become in life?" He asked, i said.
"Well i really liked the idea of being an actress, i also told my frather and he said that in this bussiness you can have faime or you can get it right only if you're lucky and then i thought that i could be a doctor, from this pov you dont need luck, you only need to know and that's it" i told him as he was looking at me like 'wow you're going to become someone!'
"What do you want to become in life?" I asked
"I still dont know but i likeysic a loy so maybe somthing with music."
"Well, if you're gonna be a singer, you'll be my favourite kne for sure!" I saud looking at him and then saw that he blushed ~omgg, did i make Justin blush?~

After that we got home and everyone was there, sleeping. Whyy??? Why are they sleeping? Whatever, i changed into my pijamas, took my makeup off amd went to sleep

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