The first schoolday with him

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Ariana's POV
I woke up by my phone because of school and then i did my morning routine. Then i took my little brother and got outside the house to go to school. I waited on Justin in front of Timmy's house.
When he saw me, he smiled but when he saw my brother he saw confused.

"Hey Justin" i said looking smiling at him
"Heyy, who's your buddy right here?" He asked cutely Frankie.
"Frankie, tell Justin 'Hi!'"
"Hi Justin!" Frankie said excited.

After that, we went to school and then i left my little brother at this school's kindergarden and then went with Justin in my highschool.
I entered the class but the teacher didnt let Justin go in

"Hello class, this is your new classmate, Justin, please be good with him and accept him!" The teacher said in the same time he was looking at me and i was looking at him. ~his hazel eyes, how beautiful they are~
"Justin, please sit next to Ariana-" she said and Justin went directlly to me and she found out we knew each other.

Nobody's POV
Ariana and Justin enjoyed that they're deskmates, after they ended the school Justin invited Ari to go to his and do their homework, she said 'yes' excited and there they met with Timmy.

Justin's POV
"Come Ari, let me show you my room!" I said
"Wait, you have your room?" Ari said, smiling cutely
"Well Idk it's Timmy's room and like we're roommates."
I entered in 'my' room and saw Timmy doing homework and listening to music, i talked with him last night if i could bring Ari here today and he said yes so he didnt mind.

Ariana's POV

He wanted to show me his posters with Michel Jackson, he really wanted to tell me aboot his idol, i liked listening to him, after that he asked me if i have an idol, i said i dont because i didnt.

----After 3 months------------------------

"Justin-" i yelled laughing on our school hall while Justin was running away from me. "Come on, come here, we gotta go to class" I yelled at him laughing while he was coming back, we had history and he really doesnt like it at all, so do i, but i knew we had to do it.

I still remember when we first met, how shy i was around him, ~or i thought i was~ and now, we're best friends, i am still Timmy's best friend but i stay more with Justin because we're deskmates and it's just easier. I also made a little nickname for him, i call him 'dokie'.

----Little Flashback-----------------------

"Hi Justin! What are you doing?" Ariana asked Justin in a Moday morning.
"Heyyy, well im reading this book, do you wanna know about it?" Justin asked Ari excitedly.
"Yeah, why not"
After Justin told Ariana what the book was about, she liked it and they started reading it together.
There was a chacarter that was loved and always amazing and the popular guy named Dokie, this character was amazing and everyone woyld love to be around him. This character is also Ariana's favourite one.

----End Of Falshback--------------------

Soo yeahh, that's why, he is just as the character.

Because of that book that we still read through, everyone in our class is saying that one day we're gonna date and so many things, COME ON, WTH?

Nobody's POV
Because of those bad jokes Ari and Justin's friends do all the time, that makes Ari feel unconfortable, they're practically giving Ari a sing that Justin likes her, he started liking her because they spend all their time together, all day long for so long.

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