Chapter Eight

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'I have many enemies, but... you're my favorite out of them all.'


Alex breathed softly while gazing at his Alpha every now and then, but mostly looking at the doctor who stood near his bed with a prescription on which he continues to write; whilst Celeste couldn't just take her eyes off her mate.

She was worried about Alex's health and well-being since the stunt she had pulled last night without having any control over her actions; she was afraid that the Alpha of the pack would strip her away from her position of 'second in command' for which she intensely worked for.

After all, those rogues were needed alive which wasn't possible any longer since the last wolf that she had spared; died after getting its head smashed against the tree harshly, and then, threatening the daughter of the Alpha wasn't particularly, safe either. She just continued to prepare herself for the worst when today the Alpha would return back from the 'werewolf community's meeting' as he had been gone for at least two days.

Their pack's Alpha was also a member of the 'werewolf society's table'. At this table, only presentable and influential werewolf members sat for the discussion of their werewolf kind. In other words; it was also known as 'The werewolf council'.

The doctor cleared his throat before voicing out his concerns, "Alpha Celeste, I've prescribed the medicines needed to be taken without any delay in their timings so, please get them from the counter immediately and please-" the doctor signed out of concern before continuing, "the patient wasn't supposed to get a high fever so, I'm assuming either that you gave him enough stress for him to get sick or there is something disturbing him a lot. Whatever the cause is; I would suggest you both get over it since stress level could determine the healing process.

An omega; needs to be very calm and at peace, for his werewolf mind to focus on the healing of himself and his human body. Keep the patient out of any kind of stress and depression while he is on his medication or otherwise the medicines won't work as fast as we want them to work."

Celeste sighed before shifting her gaze toward the doctor and nodding toward him. The doctor returned the nod before stating, "Also, he is discharged and can go home right now, but I would suggest he stays in bed till evening since till then his ankle injury would be a bit tolerating and his fever would most probably go down too. Very well then, I'll take my leave now." Celeste nodded again before the doctor walked out of the room while closing the door behind him too.

Celeste's eyes shifted back to the lying figure of her mate under the comforter with flushed cheeks, who was also looking back at her. She stood up from her white cushioned chair kept a bit far away from the bed before she advanced towards Alex and stood close beside his bed.

She ran her svelte fingers through his locks before asking softly, "how are you feeling, love?" Alex blushed at the nickname and sighed out of contentment when he basked in the scent of his mate. The scent of wood fire brought warmth to his body whenever he would take it in. Her scent brought him eternal bliss. "I-I'm fine. My a-ankle just hurts a bit."

Celeste hummed before stating, "I know love. Don't worry, the medicine would kick in soon as I saw the doctor injecting painkillers into your system, before. Just hold on a bit longer, hum?" Alex nodded right away before muttering softly, "I want your kisses to heal me, Alpha." Celeste was taken aback by such an exquisite demand of her omega but replaced her shock expression with a warm smile before she bent down to his level and left a soft kiss on his feverish forehead, and then on his warm, and flushed left cheek.

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